Little Marco transforms into a Trump fan-boy


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. ....Hard to believe, but only a little more than three years have passed since Trump was calling Rubio “Little Marco” and Rubio was calling Trump a “con artist” who was seeking to perpetrate “the biggest scam in American political history,” an “erratic” liar who couldn’t be trusted with the nuclear codes and a candidate who “isn’t gonna make America great, he’s gonna make America orange.” Rubio’s transformation from “Never Trump” to “Forever Trump” is, of course, hardly unusual in today’s principles-free Republican Party. Sitting next to Rubio, after all, was Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who, before becoming Trump’s caddie, once called him a “jackass,” “kook” and “idiot.”

But being reminded anew of Rubio’s transformation was particularly distressing for me because of how hard I worked in 2015-2016 as an unpaid foreign-policy adviser on his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. This week, for the first time in years, I opened the “Election 2016” file that contained the work I had done. There was policy paper after policy paper, talking point after talking point, beginning with a counter-Islamic State strategy. One of the last documents in the file is headlined “Donald Trump Controversial Foreign Policy Positions.” The first line — “Trump repeats over and over that he’ll ‘make America great again.’ But if he’s president, we’ll actually be a laughingstock” — gives you the flavor.....

The old Rubio — the silver-tongued, high-minded orator who attracted me to his campaign in 2015 — would have cared about that. The new Rubio doesn’t. Whatever he tells himself, his motivation is obvious to all: He needs to stay on the good side of the “con man” to keep his Senate seat in 2022 and to stand a shot at winning the White House himself in 2024.

Rubio has decided that Trump is the future of the Republican Party. He’s probably right. That’s why I’m not a Republican anymore — and why I couldn’t imagine supporting Rubio for any office ever again. I’m sorry I supported him in 2016.


2. There is an idiom, "If you can't beat them, join them." Hence it is not surprising that the down-to-earth Little Marco has completed his "humiliating transformation into a Trump fan-boy". He "needs to stay on the good side of the 'con man' to keep his Senate seat in 2022 and to stand a shot at winning the White House himself in 2024". If he is also "down-to-hell" together with his "con artist" master in the future, it will be all hell breaks loose. The "unholy duality" will let more banished fallen angels and suffering souls break free from hell to enter into the world as white supremacists in and outside the Republican Party. :eek:

Additional Reference:
Marco Rubio is NOT any sort of "law and order" politician, and neither is Rick Scott.
Scott wants to tax poor people more and Rubio has done nothing consequential in his entire career.
Marco decided after he failed to get the GOP nomination and to be the "Latino Obama" that he didn't really want to keep his Senate job any longer. Then the reality struck in the form of house payments and the inability of his landing a job that had all the benefits of being a senator.

He sucks at representing the people of Florida. Rick Scott sucks more and deeper.
The Plan was for Marco to be the Latino Obama. But Trump seemed to have more appeal with the hardcore racists of the oligarchy, and Marco was cast by the wayside. Poor Little Marco.