List of Jewish anti-Zionist organizations


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Not all jewish people support atrocity and warcrime in Palestine.

In fact it is possible that a majority of jewish peoples are opposed to career criminal Netanyahu, his ethnic cleansing pals in the
"war cabinet" and the now-rogue IDF.

But you won't hear much of this from the bought and paid-for shills in the "mass" media simultaneously seduced and frightened
by the tactics of AIPAC and their lickspittle fellow travellers

Current and active​

Historical and inactive​


Middle East​

North America​

The defence rests...

Comrade Stalin
UN World Criminal Court1
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Not all jewish people support atrocity and warcrime in Palestine.

In fact it is possible that a majority of jewish peoples are opposed to career criminal Netanyahu, his ethnic cleansing pals in the
"war cabinet" and the now-rogue IDF.

But you won't hear much of this from the bought and paid-for shills in the "mass" media simultaneously seduced and frightened
by the tactics of AIPAC and their lickspittle fellow travellers

Current and active​

Historical and inactive​


Middle East​

North America​

The defence rests...

Comrade Stalin
UN World Criminal Court1
The long history of hateful unjust and ungodly Palestinian genocidal ambitions towards the Jews is no secret.
Not all jewish people support atrocity and warcrime in Palestine.

In fact it is possible that a majority of jewish peoples are opposed to career criminal Netanyahu, his ethnic cleansing pals in the
"war cabinet" and the now-rogue IDF.

But you won't hear much of this from the bought and paid-for shills in the "mass" media simultaneously seduced and frightened
by the tactics of AIPAC and their lickspittle fellow travellers

Current and active​

Historical and inactive​


Middle East​

North America​

The defence rests...

Comrade Stalin
UN World Criminal Court1
In the long run Iran has a better chance of becoming a well functioning democracy than Israel. The reason was evident in 2009 election. I don't know how old you are, but I remember watching the riots on CNN. Iran has a huge young population, and many of them are liberal minded and want to see the world, and do everything that other young people do. And Iran, like China, is one of those ancient cultures that would turn it into a tourist hotspot, if the mullahs were gone. Iran has already been down the road Israel is headed.
In the long run Iran has a better chance of becoming a well functioning democracy than Israel. The reason was evident in 2009 election. I don't know how old you are, but I remember watching the riots on CNN. Iran has a huge young population, and many of them are liberal minded and want to see the world, and do everything that other young people do. And Iran, like China, is one of those ancient cultures that would turn it into a tourist hotspot, if the mullahs were gone. Iran has already been down the road Israel is headed.
The likelihood of Iran becoming a nation that honors the God of Abraham is slim, meaning the likelihood of Iran becoming a civilized nation is also slim.
The likelihood of Iran becoming a nation that honors the God of Abraham is slim, meaning the likelihood of Iran becoming a civilized nation is also slim.
Well, Iran ALMOST changed direction in 2009, which means that they have the potential at least. Which means that there are other ways of inspiring change in that country than military conflict. So Iran is not a country without hope. Remember it was a different country under the Shah. What followed was partly the result of failed western foreign policies.

I don't understand the obsession with the tiny impoverished island of Cuba either. It seems very irrational, even though I do sympathize with the exiled Castro victims. Cuba is no threat whatsoever to the US today. But I think that because of its conflict with the Us, it became a sort of inspiration for the rest of Latin America. But the Us created this also.

The right is willing to undermine American democracy, commit coups at home and hand of over the reigns to China, but they feel threatened by a small island still driving 1950s cars? The reason being their totalitarian ideology?
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Well, Iran ALMOST changed direction in 2009, which means that they have the potential at least. Which means that there are other ways of inspiring change in that country than military conflict. So Iran is not a country without hope. Remember it was a different country under the Shah. What followed was partly the result of failed western foreign policies.

I don't understand the obsession with the tiny impoverished island of Cuba either. It seems very irrational, even though I do sympathize with the exiled Castro victims. Cuba is no threat whatsoever to the US today. But I think that because of its conflict with the Us, it became a sort of inspiration for the rest of Latin America. But the Us created this also.

The right is willing to undermine American democracy, commit coups at home and hand of over the reigns to China, but they feel threatened by a small island still driving 1950s cars? The reason being their totalitarian ideology?
God-fearing Christians opposed slavery in the US for hundreds of years until Republicans led by the Christian Abraham Lincoln stood against the Democrat South to fight to end slavery in the US. Likewise, anti-Christian political forces in Iran, China, North Korea, Cuba and many other Marxist/socialist nations have oppressed their own citizens by enriching and protecting the fascist oligarchs in control. A nation must crush leftist fascist power mongers from within and without to remain free.
Hitler started his rule by "crushing leftists"

You are either a satire of a nutjob christian or an incomplete fascist or an unsavory combination of both.

As well, I know the bible better than you. I won prizes in bible contests as a child.

Comrade Stalin
Gratifying to see orthodox jews in the demonstrations in the hague yesterday and elsewhere all over the world.

These people are real jews - not the satanists who have achieved a hitlerian takeover of the knesset,

Germany, which has never really taken off the books the laws the nazis brought in, has banned demonstrations for Palestine.

Comrade Stalin
Gratifying to see orthodox jews in the demonstrations in the hague yesterday and elsewhere all over the world.

These people are real jews - not the satanists who have achieved a hitlerian takeover of the knesset,

Germany, which has never really taken off the books the laws the nazis brought in, has banned demonstrations for Palestine.

Comrade Stalin
Real Jews are the ones religious Muslims are convinced God wants them to massacre.
real jews are demanding an end to atrocity and warcime in gaza..

you would not know a real jew if you fell over one..

"The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, denotes a sense of completion, perfection — shlemut (“wholeness”). In fact, in the Bible, shalom means “well-being” or “prosperity,” not just “peace.”

Thus, in Judaism, peace is not only the opposite of war, it is an ideal state of affairs. In this sense, peace — perfection — is something that will not be totally achieved until the messianic era. When the Messiah comes, “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4), but this will be part of a general societal harmony and perfection.

The fact that true peace is an eschatological dream, however, does not mean that it is not a Jewish value in the present. In the Talmud, peace is one of the most esteemed values.

Rabbi Stalin