I wonder if he got the idea to do that from the movie BACK TO THE FUTURE!! (You know where DOC hooks that car up to a Remote Controller)
This video played EXTREMLY WELL for me!! (And it was clear as anything @ only 74k (Might be the codec used is why it was so good (Windows Media MPEG-4 Video V3)))
Imaging being IN THE CAR and controlling it with that remote?

I wonder if he got the idea to do that from the movie BACK TO THE FUTURE!! (You know where DOC hooks that car up to a Remote Controller)
This video played EXTREMLY WELL for me!! (And it was clear as anything @ only 74k (Might be the codec used is why it was so good (Windows Media MPEG-4 Video V3)))
Imaging being IN THE CAR and controlling it with that remote?