I realize that you're being facetious, but the truth is, it should keep you awake. Hillary Clinton is the most frightening of all the Democratic candidates in this election cycle.
I've not spotted it lately, but someone here uses the quote about "when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag." I believe that's true. But I think what the quote fails to convey is that it could be from either extreme, right or left.
Except for those so far out on the right you might as well change their address to something off-planet, patriotism embodies a love for country, our freedoms, our Constitution, and those who formulated this great land and those who have fought, bled and died to preserve it.
When from the far-left, you will find fascism couched in patriotism. But instead it embodies the screaming right to dissent, yet not offer alternatives and solutions. It embodies the promulgation of the Nanny State, convincing more and more that the government is better able to spend our money than we are. The government, despite it's abysmal record of past departments and programs, is better at taking care of us.
To keep it brief, Hillary Clinton reflects this. She moves toward the middle, even a bit to the right, then back. She goes to any part of the country, to any type of group, and cites suspicious anecdotes from her personal life to put herself on equal ground with her audience.
In truth, she is a chameleon. A chameleon can regrow parts of it's body when it is cut off, like many amphibians.
And on the guns? As I said, whether it's by gunpoint or not that she takes your freedoms, as she assuredly will, will be a moot point. Once she is successful in banning private gun ownership as one step of her plan for a "better America" under her brand of patriotism, the rights we treasure will fall like dominoes.