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We used to have a poster here who argued there should be no legal age of consent, that such laws discriminate based on age and are therefore unconstitutional. Remember him? I'm sure he'd argue the pedophile lifestyle doesn't harm anyone.

That poster was wrong, and was one of a small minority of people.

The same was once said about homosexuals and blacks... and the Irish... And the Jews etc., etc.

Yes, it was. The bottom line is that homosexuals, blacks, the Irish, and Jews aren't hurting anyone by being homosexual, black, Irish or Jewish.

Bigots, on the other hand, still say that about those groups. Bigots are harmful to the rest of us also.

Please explain how you would do that.

lock them up, throw away the key.

Of course not, parents try to protect their children well into adulthood. As you said though, attitudes do change. I'm not claiming to be a psychic only musing on the subject.

Interesting musing, but the bottom line is that most people aren't going to accept perverts who harm children, not ever.

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