LA Illegal Alien Med Bill


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
$350 million.


That includes no other costs, and the other costs are HUGE - eg the vast LA unified school district exists mainly to educate illegal alien children.

Number of illegal aliens in JUST LA COUNTY: 1.1 MILLION.

All you citizens in places like delaware and minnesota and tennessee who don't know what's going on here in the southwest, because the lib media won't tell you, come down here for a look - you'll be shocked.

The lunacy continues. :rolleyes:
As one who escaped from the state now affectionately called the "grazing grounds", I would love to see us charge the country from whence they came for all medical/school aid given to illegals. Of course, "honor" doesn't seem to translate well.
....I would have though it fairly obvious if they turned up in Hospitals or Medical Centres with no means to pay for treatment or any health insurance?

Federal law says that a public hospital ER cannot turn anyone away for any reason. The problem is also compounded by cities and other businesses who simply refuse to report them to INS.

It is actually harder to deport someone than you might otherwise think. That is why we get the problems were an illegal alien murdered someone even though they had been arrested multiple times before but never actually deported.
Federal law says that a public hospital ER cannot turn anyone away for any reason. The problem is also compounded by cities and other businesses who simply refuse to report them to INS.

It is actually harder to deport someone than you might otherwise think. That is why we get the problems were an illegal alien murdered someone even though they had been arrested multiple times before but never actually deported.

Any of these problems could be overcome in short order if there was the will to do it. Inspite of big popular support for doing it, it doesn't happen because

1) The democrat party leaders are willing to allow EVEN the balkanization and destruction of this country because to them, the invaders represent only more democrat votes eventually. In that regard, the dems are like someone who goes around the decks of the titanic robbing people, after all the lifeboats have gone.

2) The labor-intensive commercial interests lobby against their removal. Other industries, like the hispanic media, and banks which make money electronically sending money back to mexico for the invaders, represent an ever-increasing tide of co-option and corruption, which will probably continue until the US southwest is de facto mexico, with all that that implies.

The only thing that will stop this now is a grass roots effort.
The problem is also compounded by cities and other businesses who simply refuse to report them to INS.
....ahhh therein lies the rub! the old story of conflicting loyalties between cheap labour and making a few extra bucks!

Easy really! all you do is levy the annual cost against the personal assests of all those in positions of management caught flouting the labour laws. If they are caught you seize all their assets and then at the end of the year all these assests are sold and the proceeds put towards the annual accrued debt, any remainder is given back! - that would focus attention :D

It is actually harder to deport someone than you might otherwise think. That is why we get the problems were an illegal alien murdered someone even though they had been arrested multiple times before but never actually deported.
......yeah we have the same BS, we cannot even deport convicted terrorists or convicted hi-jackers as it may infringe their Human Rights! .....change your deportation laws now oh blighted colonial cousins whilst you can! Or forever suffer the fate that we British now languish in :eek:
Why don't you just kill them?

You don't seem to mind a trillion dollars being spent on killing foreigners if the live in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Obviously a third of a billion dolars spent helping people who are unwell is a disgraceful waste of money.

BTW, aren't you all descendants of illegal immigrants?

Who received aid from the indiginous population?

Isn't that what thanksgiving is about?
Why don't you just kill them?

Hmmmm....... I hadn't thought of that...... :D

You don't seem to mind a trillion dollars being spent on killing foreigners if the live in Iraq or Afghanistan.

"trillion dollars" = fiction

"foreigners" = islamofascist child-killers

Obviously a third of a billion dolars spent helping people who are unwell is a disgraceful waste of money.

Well then why don't YOU send us the third of a billion dolars Mr. Compassion? Not holding our breath.

BTW, aren't you all descendants of illegal immigrants?

No, we're descended of legal immigrants.

Who received aid from the indiginous population?

Yeah - they gave us free haircuts (scalped), and they practiced infanticide against white children long before Obama reinvented the idea.
Oh dear, so you belive those Hollywood stories that reverse the truth of the genocide committed against the native Americans?

Maybe you have heard of holocaust denyers ( mind you, they are only denying it, not saying it was done by the Jews to the Germans)

Germany has had the decency to make holocaust denial a criminal offence.

With people like you around maybe the US should think about a similar law.
Oh dear, so you belive those Hollywood stories that reverse the truth of the genocide committed against the native Americans?

What a howler! :D You're wayyyyyyyyyyyy behind the times. For at least 30 years, Hollyweird has portrayed american indians, eg in Dances with Wolves, and Disney's Pocahontas, as "spiritual", just, ecologically-friendly, wise, free spirits.

The opinion of the american Founders, who had a somewhat (:D) more direct experience with them, could for example be discerned in one of their complaints about George III, listed in the Declaration of Independence:

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

Maybe you have heard of holocaust denyers ( mind you, they are only denying it, not saying it was done by the Jews to the Germans)

Germany has had the decency to make holocaust denial a criminal offence.

With people like you around maybe the US should think about a similar law.

Your grasp of american history is cartoonish and puerile - you need to read some books - LOTS of books. ;)

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