King of Jordan speaks

fake miltary dictator monarch whose family was installed by the egregious uk foreign office and hobnobs with the pathetic
british royal family at the horse races

his heartlessness is just what i would expect from this relic from the 19th century

sadly, the plo failed to get rid of these ruritanian fossils..

comrade stalin
fake miltary dictator monarch whose family was installed by the egregious uk foreign office and hobnobs with the pathetic
british royal family at the horse races

his heartlessness is just what i would expect from this relic from the 19th century

sadly, the plo failed to get rid of these ruritanian fossils..

comrade stalin
hes a far smarter man then you ,
who knows

can he solve partial differential equations ?

or sing in faure's requiem ?

or juggle 50- 80 truck deliveries at one time ?

probably not

he can however make irrelevant statements for the WarParty wjich keeps him in power

remind me if jordan is a democracy

comrade stalin
fake miltary dictator monarch whose family was installed by the egregious uk foreign office and hobnobs with the pathetic
british royal family at the horse races

his heartlessness is just what i would expect from this relic from the 19th century

sadly, the plo failed to get rid of these ruritanian fossils..

comrade stalin
Warlord leaders of tribal Arab barbarians despise those civilized leaders as well as uncivilized leaders who make sense by telling the truth.