Kamala has a long history of unconstitutional attacks on conservatives and Christians

There is nothing unconstitutional about requiring political propagandists being forced to reveal where their funds are coming from.
It has zilch to do with Christianlty.
There is nothing unconstitutional about requiring political propagandists being forced to reveal where their funds are coming from.
It has zilch to do with Christianlty.
That is all Obama was doing when his goons lied to courts and got illegal wire taps to spy on the Trump campaign. Democrats damned to hell such tactics under Nixon but they do not condemn their own worse and more pervasive big democrat brother spying, tracking, and single party politically driven intelligence gathering operations.
One time is not a long history ly8ng moooron
She filed 17 bogus charges against the innocent whistleblower who caught Planned Parenthood on film illegally trafficking in aborted baby body parts, but she never charged PP for the heinous crime of trafficking in aborted baby body parts. She is a corrupt leftist democrat fascist racist communist.
What a profoundly ignorant claim.
She's a Democrat so her love of conservatives would be nil and an atheist so there goes that excuse also. What a dumb statement.
We must admit the Kamala lies when she tells her supporters that she is finally going to bring Americans together in harmony of some kind.
She filed 17 bogus charges against the innocent whistleblower who caught Planned Parenthood on film illegally trafficking in aborted baby body parts, but she never charged PP for the heinous crime of trafficking in aborted baby body parts. She is a corrupt leftist democrat fascist racist communist.
Did scotus rule they were unconstitutional lying *****?
So far you listed one example lying moooron