Kamala appeals to sexual deviants for votes

Ru Paul is just a man that likes to dress in women's clothes and perform, in the same way as Milton Berle and Flip Wilson did it. In the same way that Dustin Hoffman did it in Mrs Doubtfire.

You talk about the importance of being "god-fearing". Yet thye Bible says "God is Love" How can anyone love someone they fear?
If God created the Universe, he also created homosexuals, transvestites, bisexuals asexuals and evetyone else. And what's more, being as God knows everything, including the future, he knew what all these people would be before they were born.

God knew that he was going to drown nearly every member of the human race before any of them were born. Think about it!
Ru Paul is just a man that likes to dress in women's clothes and perform, in the same way as Milton Berle and Flip Wilson did it. In the same way that Dustin Hoffman did it in Mrs Doubtfire.

You talk about the importance of being "god-fearing". Yet thye Bible says "God is Love" How can anyone love someone they fear?
If God created the Universe, he also created homosexuals, transvestites, bisexuals asexuals and evetyone else. And what's more, being as God knows everything, including the future, he knew what all these people would be before they were born.

God knew that he was going to drown nearly every member of the human race before any of them were born. Think about it!
Like I said, Kackles stand for the 'rights' of sexual deviants.
Like I said, Kackles stand for the 'rights' of sexual deviants.
I'm not convinced she supports sexual deviancy but it's quite normal for you to say it because of your hate.
She has never appealed to queers etc but agrees with the woke concept as everyone should do.