Kamala and ABC moderators' shameless cover up of Kamala's radical support for abortion up to and shortly after birth

Maybe if your post had a couple direct quotes from Harris I would spend some time on it. But as usual your post is full of outlandish claims without any supporting material.
Maybe if your post had a couple direct quotes from Harris I would spend some time on it. But as usual your post is full of outlandish claims without any supporting material.

Abortion came up early in the debate, as Harris defended the death-inflicting procedure as compatible with her morals and insisted the death of innocents does not violate any religion. Harris claimed, after the 2022 Dobbs decision, “now in over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide health care” — by which she meant bans on taking the life of an innocent person through abortion. She blasted those which do not allow abortionists to kill an innocent child conceived in rape, who did nothing to deserve the death penalty.

“That is immoral,” Harris pontificated.
The baby killers were in full coverup mode desperately trying to hide from the American people Kamala's long savage history of radical unrestricted executions of babies before and/or after birth.

Unrestricted executions??? Killing them after they're born??? You're barking mad.
You really have lost the plot now.

Abortion came up early in the debate, as Harris defended the death-inflicting procedure as compatible with her morals and insisted the death of innocents does not violate any religion. Harris claimed, after the 2022 Dobbs decision, “now in over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide health care” — by which she meant bans on taking the life of an innocent person through abortion. She blasted those which do not allow abortionists to kill an innocent child conceived in rape, who did nothing to deserve the death penalty.

“That is immoral,” Harris pontificated.
You failed again.
Mark is a goofy failure, day after day. He thinks disproving evolution means that there really was a talking snake, a genocidal flood (which was somehow a good thing) and zombies popping out of the ground and cruising Jerusalem.