Joy Behar takes Glenn Beck to the woodshed


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
We know there's something wrong with Beck...but anyone who would follow such a nut, literally hanging on every word, and take what he says seriously, is either totally devoid of any substantive reasoning powers or mentally challenged...

The Boston Tea Party involved men who were upset about being taxed without representation, not people upset with the representation.

These know nothing patriots jump around yelling, "I want my country back", are going to tell me what is in the Constitution?

That's funny.
We know there's something wrong with Beck...but anyone who would follow such a nut, literally hanging on every word, and take what he says seriously, is either totally devoid of any substantive reasoning powers or mentally challenged...

What did she find n the "wood pile " ? I think I know lol,lol
While I agree that Beck is among the crazier loons we see in the cable news industry, I dont think attacking him along the lines of being an alcoholic is the route to go.
Attack the message, not the person.
While I agree that Beck is among the crazier loons we see in the cable news industry, I dont think attacking him along the lines of being an alcoholic is the route to go.
Attack the message, not the person.

I agree, going after him for that is cheap and easy....even if it may in fact be partialy true. ( people do tend to sub one addiction for a new one, when they stop one thing)