Jon Stewart racist remark on Cain


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
And Guess what,,Comedy Central wouldnt fire him

And Donald Trump has a point

You see If Bill OReilly,Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity made those jokes all these liberal groups would get him fired. Just like NPR Fired Juan Williams for this muslim comment]

And Rev Al Sharpton got IMUS fired off MSNBC for this

But When people like Jon Stewart,Bill Maher or David Letterman make these remarks liberals look the other way.
Like Sean Hannity said,,, Liberal groups are watching us every move we make. Whatever Bill Oreilly,,Rush Limbaugh or me they will do anything to get us off the air,,They will go to advertisers and organize boycotts. But when Liberals use racist or sexist remarks nothing gets done to them like 3 weeks ago Hank Williams Jr called Obama "Hitler" And ESPN took his song off MNF. And a week after that Susan Sarandon called the pope A NAZI!! And MGM Studios wouldnt void her contract and fire her. You see Its because HOLLYWOOD Is Very left winged liberal. And Hank Williams Jr is just a conserviitive country music singer and song writer. Just like CBS wouldnt fire David Letterman for that sexest Bristol Palin joke And HBO wouldnt fire Bill Maher for that sexest Michelle Bachman comment. And Tina Fey mocked Sarah Palin and NOT ONE WOMENS GROUP PROTEST!!! Just like in Politics,, Joe Biden used Rape remarks in his speech WHERE THE WOMENS GROUPS?? What If a republican said that huh? And get this one,,, Trent Lott was only making a joke about Strom Thurmond in hios 100th birthday party and Democrats cried foul and forced him to resign. But when Harry Reid called Obama a light skinned Negro. Democrats look the other way allowed him keep his job as senate majority leader. You see its a double standard with it comes to liberals and Democrats.