John Couey Gets Death!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South,2933,294371,00.html

This Just in Couey gets DEATH!!!! See Florida Just put 2 Sexual Preditors to Death this year. One was the killing of Carrie Brucia and the Other one killing of Jessica Lundsford. See Vermont,Maryland and Masseschutes Protects Sexual Preditors. Like Vermonts Judge Cashman gave the preditor only 60 days in jail. Another Judge in Maryland dismisses the case cause she couldnt find an interpreter. If you wanna raise kids. RAISE EM IN FLORIDA Not In Maryland, Vermont or in Masseschutes.

This Just in Couey gets DEATH!!!! See Florida Just put 2 Sexual Preditors to Death this year. One was the killing of Carrie Brucia and the Other one killing of Jessica Lundsford. See Vermont,Maryland and Masseschutes Protects Sexual Preditors. Like Vermonts Judge Cashman gave the preditor only 60 days in jail. Another Judge in Maryland dismisses the case cause she couldnt find an interpreter. If you wanna raise kids. RAISE EM IN FLORIDA Not In Maryland, Vermont or in Masseschutes.

It's "Massachusetts." And it's a bad place to live whether you want kids or not.

Oh, and there's no "i" in "predator."
The one's that Mass is "protecting" are not killers. Couhy is a murderer. Thats why he got the death sentence.

This Just in Couey gets DEATH!!!! See Florida Just put 2 Sexual Preditors to Death this year. One was the killing of Carrie Brucia and the Other one killing of Jessica Lundsford. See Vermont,Maryland and Masseschutes Protects Sexual Preditors. Like Vermonts Judge Cashman gave the preditor only 60 days in jail. Another Judge in Maryland dismisses the case cause she couldnt find an interpreter. If you wanna raise kids. RAISE EM IN FLORIDA Not In Maryland, Vermont or in Masseschutes.

Florida is one of the most screwed up states of the union, come on now. Many sites/stations have dedicated florida news links to the screwball stuff that happens there. for example has a florida tag for the craziness in the news there, which is a common common sight on the site. I think next to it for weird stuff going on in states is texas, another state full of nutjobs.

Capital Punishment should only be for equal crimes, death for murder. To start executing non killers is moving closer and closer to a reasoning that would Godwin this thread if I mentioned it. The problem with sexual abuse is that it's perpetuative, I mean it rarely begins without causation, while a sexual abuser with mental deficits may exist as starting points, the GREAT majority of sexual abusers were themselves abused, it's a very high number of cases. Women who are sexually abused for some reason tend to seek out abusers which leads their kids to being abused in the long run. I don't take the blame away from sexual abuser, but I cannot justify killing someone that was more than likely created by the abuse they themselves experienced. Those kids he abuses, will become abusers or seek them out to be with, same goes for spousal abuse and physical abuse, kids in those types households end up with abusive husbands or as abusive husbands. It's not hard to blame someone, it's not hard to see the need for them being removed from the streets, but it is very hard to justify killing someone that they themselves were the product of the very thing you wish to take their life for.