John Boltons views


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
I will share some of his interesting thoughts posted on twitter (see
(bold highlighting by me)

North Korea:
"It’s important to stand behind our South Korean allies, but if we pay heed to the lessons of history, talking to #NorthKorea would be fruitless."

"We have a very limited amount of time left before #NorthKorea gains deliverable nuclear weapons. We’ve got to look at the very unattractive choice of using military force to deny them that capability."

"There needs to be a strategic response to Russia's new nuclear missiles to show our allies in Europe that we will not let #Russia push the U.S. or its allies around"

"The U.S must strengthen its allies in Central and Eastern Europe through #NATO and ensure that there are effective countermeasures to the cyber war that Russia is engaging"

"Washington and its allies do not need more #Russian adventurism in #MiddleEast, especially given the Moscow-Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah axis."

"The #Irannucleardeal was a strategic mistake in 2015. This deal needs to be abrogated and America must craft a new reality that reflects the actions of the Iranian regime"

"If the Iranian opposition is prepared to take outside support, the US should provide it to them"
Unfortunately Bolton is going to keep whispering in Trump's ear to bomb Iran and bomb N. Korea. Since Trump tends to be easily manipulated he might take Bolton's advice.
It is surprising, not really, as to how many cowards we have serving in the WH, and Congress, now. Like Bill Clinton, who the right wing despise, Bolton wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." and so he joined the National Guard as did Bush to avoid going to Vietnam.

So, when will the country get back to electing real men with integrity,honor, and patriotism?
Be afraid ....

Be very afraid ......

Bolton should scare all the feeble sheeple.
Cut the crap.
An invasion of N. Korea is forgetting the quagmire in Vietnam.
An invasion of Iran is forgetting the quagmire in Iraq.

Apparently you don't mind spending another trillion for nothing.
Cut the crap.
An invasion of N. Korea is forgetting the quagmire in Vietnam.
An invasion of Iran is forgetting the quagmire in Iraq.

Apparently you don't mind spending another trillion for nothing.
We don't have to worry about an invasion of Iran.

B. Hussein gave $1.7 billion in cash to his muslim brothers in Iran to play nice.

They are no longer a threat.

You are just fear mongering.