the annoying thing
Well-Known Member

Mr. President, your weakness is making the Middle East more dangerous
Today President Biden is piggybacking on the Trump team’s success in keeping America out of any new wars in the Middle East.

With Biden openly and publicly insulting the king there his sucking up to Iran and giving the nation of Israel a cold shoulder and warming up the the terrorist nation Of Iran His pulling out of Afghanistan in such a way it showed weakness . He is really screwing us up inn the middle east.
I'm OK with him thinking the king was a pariah, can not say Joe was wrong . but his nation is a important allies with our nation non not only the economic front and trade but from a military friend especially sense they have made peace with Israel .
Joe had to look big with the voters annd appeal to the left crying but it backfired and has det relatiinships back who knows how long
Who ever id handling him need to pu a muzzle on him and make sure he takes his meds .