Joe Biden is slipping faster AGAIN

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
[even other nations are talking about it


Seems the democrat keep supporting a man they know is not right. one scandal after another one wrong move one after another hurting the nation . They see it also but cannot bear to admit they place a nut cake in the white house.
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Yes joe claims the bill passed congress when it has not even been voted on, seriously demos do you really think will all he has claimed and done that Hes really not shy a few bricks of a full load ?
I'm flattered you are using my vivid descriptions of yourself.
Obviously. Your concerned that he wiped out Lord Trump in one attempt.

It concerns me too.
No not at all i have told you several times he was not my first choice for president and perfer to not see him run again.
If your so blind and have such poor observation skills you cant see joes mind isn't right then i feel sorry for you. If its stupidity or partisanship then o well that's your problem and your gnome .
No not at all i have told you several times he was not my first choice for president and perfer to not see him run again.
If your so blind and have such poor observation skills you cant see joes mind isn't right then i feel sorry for you. If its stupidity or partisanship then o well that's your problem and your gnome .
I can clearly see what the problem is but it doesn't concern me. Did it concern you when Trump admitted to grabbing pussies, paying off whores, lying about blackmailing Ukraine, of course not. You ignore his faults for political purposes.
Obviously. Your concerned that he wiped out Lord Trump in one attempt.

It concerns me too.
u should be concerned if he has mental issues or dementia, or his memory has slipped that much and if he believes his own fairy tales . He makes decisions every day that affect America and other nations plus hes commander of the world's strongest military ,
u should be concerned if he has mental issues or dementia, or his memory has slipped that much and if he believes his own fairy tales . He makes decisions every day that affect America and other nations plus hes commander of the world's strongest military ,
I understand all that and still would rather him over Trump.
Biden is totally out of touch with what's going on and clearly has mental issue, all but the most stupid and partisan can see it. Other world leaders have commented on it and some are taking advantage of it .