Joe Biden dishonest ways to attack gun owners

Hunter Biden did no harm to anyone with his pistol.
There is no sign that he had any need to carry a firearm.
Hunter Biden did no harm to anyone with his pistol.
There is no sign that he had any need to carry a firearm.
Well hunter has screwed a lot of women and has also screwed with Russian drug deals among many others , And he sure screwed a lot of money out of a couple nations and they got nothing in returns the man baby con man doper has as promised big daddy joe would do. Hes also is the son of a former senate member and VP . has dealing with drug dealers . Yea I can see where he might want a gun . And its not about who he hurt nub nut ,its called breaking the law. If a cop sees you going 100 mph and pulls you over do you think its ok because no one was hurt. he left a loaded gun in trash can where kids could get it and lied on a federal forum. Some how if he was trumps son I think your opinion of things would be different .
And he did carry a fire arm and yes it was loaded and expensive .
I would love to see his lap tops and the pictures and posts and transactions .

Also you seem to forget about this
Hell were only talking about a few federal crime tax evasion, lying on a federal fors x 2 interstate sex crimes and probably a hell of a lot more things if they keep looking .
Hunter Biden was perhaps a "good guy with a gun", since he threatened no one with a gun.
Dd a cop see Hunter Biden going 100 mph? No, you did not. You make no sense.
Democrats are famous for inventing stupid excuses for forgiving democrats of their criminal violations of their own laws.
I think Hunter was silly to own a handgun. He obviously did not need t, and it got him in trouble.
I would not vote for Hunter Biden, but he is not running.
I think Hunter was silly to own a handgun. He obviously did not need t, and it got him in trouble.
I would not vote for Hunter Biden, but he is not running.
Poor Hunter. Imagine all those millions of Americans who think he should go to jail for violating democrat gun laws like so many hundreds of Americans have before him.