JFK - A Warning to America’s Press


Jul 22, 2008
The erosion of our freedoms outlined in our first amendment and the failure of the press to responsibly meet today's challenge of disseminating the news has reached proportions unimaginable during the early 1960's; however, John F. Kennedy delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association a warning about the precarious nature of maintaining a free press in an open society threatened from enemies, domestic and foreign in nature.

This Spadecaller video chronicles the precarious nature of freedom and the floundering press and featuring a speech delivered by JFK:

Isn't it amazing what we have morphed into in the last 4 decades?

We once had leaders who respected our privacy and protected our country without eating their own. We once had leaders who protected our Constitution and respected it without calling it a G--D--- piece of paper.

Excellent work Spade!
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

The press is as free as it can be. The great threat to dessimination of truth to the public today isn't the lack of a free press, but rather the pervasive liberal bias of a large percentage of the media.
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

The press is as free as it can be. The great threat to dessimination of truth to the public today isn't the lack of a free press, but rather the pervasive liberal bias of a large percentage of the media.

The media is about as liberal biased as Fox News, who rather leads the way and dictates how everyone else reports the news. Get a grip.

When all else fails in respectful conversation, right wing extremists usually resort to insults and namecalling. It appears that "libmasher" is typical of that. And not even original material. Sheesh.
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press


When all else fails in respectful conversation, right wing extremists usually resort to insults and namecalling. It appears that "libmasher" is typical of that. And not even original material. Sheesh.

Your colleague idiot made the first insult. I've posted a challenge to libs to debate the issues - no response.
What insult was levied at you? You are the only one calling names on this thread ("idiot"). I am brand new here and there are not many participants; one must wonder if you may have something to do with that...
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

What insult was levied at you? You are the only one calling names on this thread ("idiot"). I am brand new here and there are not many participants; one must wonder if you may have something to do with that...

post #4 Quote: "get a grip".

We already have resident idiots, and certainly don't need more. If you can't debate the issues, take a hike.
I figured you would tell me I am idiot too. You are quite predictable. Is your ego that damaged that someone can't say "get a grip" without you becoming rude and abusive?

If this site follows its guidlines about personal attacks, it will be you that leaves first.
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

post #4 Quote: "get a grip".

We already have resident idiots, and certainly don't need more. If you can't debate the issues, take a hike.

When have you ever debated the issues? All you do is recite Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly right wing talking points.

Libsmasher=Idiot and McCain=Bush
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press


When all else fails in respectful conversation, right wing extremists usually resort to insults and namecalling. It appears that "libmasher" is typical of that. And not even original material. Sheesh.

Yeah, reminds me of DropKick, and others with names like that in his parallel universe.
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

post #4 Quote: "get a grip".

We already have resident idiots, and certainly don't need more. If you can't debate the issues, take a hike.

True to form, when all else fail, start the name calling.
The issue was being debated until you started with the liberal media biased garbage, you started this, we just finished it for you. Thanks
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

When have you ever debated the issues? All you do is recite Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly right wing talking points.

I don't know about O'Reilly, cuz I don't watch him, but if Libsmasher was parroting Limbaugh and Hannity, he would be bringing up issues... Such as the "Fairness Doctrine", which is seeing renewed interest among the Left since their colossal failure with Air America. This assault on free speech is seen as acceptable to those on the Left because they been conditioned to HATE "Right-Wing-Neocons" like Limbaugh and Hannity and see them as sub-human, not at all equals.

Well written propaganda does that to people... The German propaganda, same as the current ME propaganda, made Jews out to be Subhuman while WE in America characterized Germans and Japanese as "Huns" and portrayed them as anything but Human.

Point being... The Left is gone, they have abandoned all the traditional precepts of Liberalism in their fight against the Right. Liberals used to say "I may not like what you say, but I'll defend to my death your right to say it!" - Unless of course its Limbaugh, O'Reilly or Hannity...

Instead, Socialism replaced Liberalism on the Left and its battle is against both the religious on the Right (not the "religious" on the Left) and the entire Capitalist system has made everyone not part of their group out to be mongrels who don't deserve the rights given by our Constitution.

If the Free Press is to remain Free, the Left needs to go back to their roots and try protecting free speech rather than limiting it for their own gains.
Re: JFK - A Warning to America’s Press

When have you ever debated the issues? All you do is recite Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly right wing talking points.

Libsmasher=Idiot and McCain=Bush

I have - you're too busy puking up the Huffington Post to notice anything else. :D