This is the absolute Number one best country to invest in. Every single financial expert will tell you that when the Democrat is in the White house, investors make more money and employment is higher. This has been true since at least 1932. The reason immigrants want to come here is because of the prosperity that Biden has delivered.

Also, when you compare American presidents, every one of them has fared worse in his second term than in his first. And of course, this will be Trump's second term (half of his first term was a disaster by any standard) and Harris's first.
This is the absolute Number one best country to invest in.
September 21, 2020
“Many of you probably want to get rid of the estate tax –or what you might call the death tax,” he says, and the room is silent. A few people shift in their seats and put down their coffee cups. “But before we lead it to the gallows, I’d like to make one more case for clemency.”

“Why should someone who has $10 million, $50 million, or $50 billion pay an
estate tax?”

“If you have accumulated tens of millions, hundreds of millions or billions, you did
not do it alone. You got help.”

“Who is the greatest venture capitalist in the world today?” Bill stops and repeats his question. He rocks back on his shoes and looks at the audience over the rim of his glasses. They are rapt.

“No, he’s not one of those angel investors who live on Sand Hill Road down from Stanford University. The
greatest venture capitalist is Uncle Sam.”
He repeats: “Uncle Sam.”

“Has your business become more productive thanks to these public investments? You bet it has.” Bill describes the early government investments in technology that led to the creation of the internet and World Wide Web. He talks about jet engines, publicly funded university research and the human genome.

“Where would we be without the fertile ground we have plowed together? Would we be as wealthy and successful if we had to toil in different soil?”