JD Vance; Before His Hustle Into Politics Was Completed


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"Back in 2016, during his #NeverTrump phase, Ohio Senate candidate and Hillbilly Elegy author JD Vance said Trump was either a “cynical asshole” or “America’s Hitler” in a private message to an old law school classmate.

It’s no secret that Vance, who won the coveted Trump endorsement last weekend, wasn’t a Trump fan back then—he publicly mocked Trump all year and refused to vote for him in the 2016 general election, and publicly called him “noxious,” “reprehensible,” and an “idiot” in October 2016.

But Vance went even further rhetorically in a private Facebook message he sent to Josh McLaurin, Vance’s old Yale Law School roommate, when McLaurin reached out to ask for his take on the GOP primary in February 2016.

“I think most people are not very ideological, and Trump, while I find him loathsome, touches a legitimate nerve. You should read David Frum's piece in the Atlantic on the Republican revolt. But I'm not surprised by Trump's rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame,” Vance messaged McLaurin. “We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working-class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point.
Trump is the fruit of the party's collective neglect.”

Vance then said Trump was either like disgraced former President Richard Nixon—or Nazi leader Adolph Hitler."
"Back in 2016, during his #NeverTrump phase, Ohio Senate candidate and Hillbilly Elegy author JD Vance said Trump was either a “cynical asshole” or “America’s Hitler” in a private message to an old law school classmate.

It’s no secret that Vance, who won the coveted Trump endorsement last weekend, wasn’t a Trump fan back then—he publicly mocked Trump all year and refused to vote for him in the 2016 general election, and publicly called him “noxious,” “reprehensible,” and an “idiot” in October 2016.

But Vance went even further rhetorically in a private Facebook message he sent to Josh McLaurin, Vance’s old Yale Law School roommate, when McLaurin reached out to ask for his take on the GOP primary in February 2016.

“I think most people are not very ideological, and Trump, while I find him loathsome, touches a legitimate nerve. You should read David Frum's piece in the Atlantic on the Republican revolt. But I'm not surprised by Trump's rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame,” Vance messaged McLaurin. “We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working-class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point.
Trump is the fruit of the party's collective neglect.”

Vance then said Trump was either like disgraced former President Richard Nixon—or Nazi leader Adolph Hitler."
Yep and Obung hole said never underestimate bidens abality to screw up.
“Hillbilly Elegy” also introduced Vance to the Trump family. Donald Trump Jr. loved the book and knew of Vance when he went to launch his political career. The two hit it off and have remained friends."

55 Things To Know About J.D. Vance
July 15, 2024
"During those eight years, Vance has undergone a dramatic — and, in the eyes of his critics, highly dubiouspolitical transformation: from blue-collar bard and self-described “Never Trump” conservative to hard-edged MAGA loyalist and dogged defender of the former president. Vance says he’s had a genuine change of heart about Trump; his critics say hes cynically molded himself to the times."
Hillbilly Elitism
October 1, 2016
"J. D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis comes highly recommended: National Review executive editor Reihan Salam, Silicon Valley scion Peter Thiel, and “tiger mother” Amy Chua all wrote glowing jacket blurbs. Positive reviews have since appeared across the conservative press, in Salam’s National Review — where Vance regularly contributes — the American Conservative, and the Weekly Standard. David Brooks hailed Hillbilly Elegy in a New York Times op-ed that calls for a better form of nationalism.”

outpouring of right-wing support shouldn’t be surprising. Vance, after all, is one of them, and Hillbilly Elegy staunchly defends the up-by-your-own-bootstraps fairy tale that capitalism has always used to win support from the underclasses.

But of
course, the book is not aimed at that underclass (few books are), but rather a middle- and upper-class readership more than happy to learn that white American poverty has nothing to do with them or with any structural problems in American economy and society and everything to do with poor folks’ inherent vices."
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Trump does not read, so he probably had one of his flunkies like Walt Nauta read pars of it to him.
Vance knows what Trump is, and he knows how feeble and sick Trump really is and does he know what ricin is and how to use it.

We might have a dictator named Vance by next year.
"In two 2016 audios uncovered by CNN’s Andy Kaczynski, Vance appeared on a podcast to promote his book The Hillbilly Elegy and argued that Trump is a fraud who preyed on white voters’ fears to achieve victory."

Ya' gotta wonder if Spanky's considered whether-or-not he might have just thrown a "time-bomb" into that pile of file-boxes he still has.
All politicians are opportunists. Bidens VP dated a 60 year old California political heavyweight who went on to become mayor of SF when she was 30.

I’m sure it was true love.

Pointing fingers at the other party for being opportunistic is just ignorant.

They all lie, they all lean which ever way the wind blows. Biden Harris Pelosi Schumer Vance Johnson Trump etc etc etc.
July 27, 2024
Is Vance a Hillbilly or a Shillbilly?

If we was an actual hillbilly....you'd expect he'd know better than to make light o' the folks, back home.

"Well, looky here....we got us another chubby-boy!!