Its Society that pushed Jared Loughner to the edge


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Read what Jared Loughner parents said

TUCSON, Ariz. — In his own way, Jared Loughner did try to fit in.

Before everything fell apart, the 22-year-old went through the motions as many young men do nowadays: Living at home with his parents, working low-wage jobs at big brand stores and volunteering time doing things he liked.

None of it worked.

His relationship with his parents was strained. He clashed with co-workers and police. And he couldn’t follow the rules at an animal shelter where he spent some time.

As the Stoy goes down futher

Even when Loughner tried to do good, it didn’t work out.

A year ago, he volunteered walking adoptable dogs at the county animal shelter, said Kim Janes, manager of the Pima Animal Care Center. He liked dogs; neighbors remember him as the kid they would see walking his own.

At the shelter, staff became concerned: He was allowing dogs to play in an area that was being disinfected after one had contracted a potentially deadly disease, the parvovirus.

“He didn’t think the disease was that threatening and when we tried to explain how dangerous some of the diseases are. He didn’t get it,” Janes said.

He wouldn’t agree to keep dogs from the restricted area, and was asked to come back when he would. He never returned.

Loughner also jumped from paid job to job because he couldn’t get along with co-workers, according to the close high school friend who requested anonymity. Employers included a Quiznos sandwich shop and Banana Republic, the friend said.

Society does control you to a point. Theyre many people just like Jared Loughner. Now how can you get what you want in this country when Society wont allow you do what you want? Does LEE HARVEY OSWALD Ring a bell? When Oswald went to Russia society there treated him like a rock star. Wanna know why? Because of a socialist type of govenment that allowed Oswald to live a normal life. When Oswald lived in America he couldnt get anything here. He tried to marry but no girl wants to be with him,He tried landing a good job but nobody wont hire him. But Russia gave him almost everything because of Socialism there. Oswald had a great job in Moscow as an electronics assembler. He married a woman Marina Prusakova. I wish i met Jared Loughner cause id would told him defect America and go live in Cuba or Venezuela but he hates hispanics. But he should go live in China or in North Korea maybe society would treat him better there he could get a better life in China. You see Freedom and Democracy isnt not for everyone. Sometimes a Socialist society is the best medicene for depression and for people like Jared Loughner.
What bunk.

Everybody goes through the trials and problems Loughner did. Everyone has problems with parents, girlfriends, following rules, and the rest - many of them more severe than Loughner did. But not everybody grabs a gun and shoots a few dozen people.

Loughner was crazy. That's what "pushed him over the edge". Not a girlfriend jilting him, or a Congressman not answering his question, or a conflict with his parents. Those are ordinary things, that happen to all of us.

Something was broken inside this man's head. His brain wasn't working right. He might have been "triggered to do it" by seeing a blue piece of paper on a desk. Or a crack in a sidewalk. Or hearing a car go by outside. Or having his father ask what he was doing, for the 54th time. Or having a co-worker ask him to be more careful in his spelling. Things the rest of us get regularly... but which don't set off murderous rampages in us.

He didn't go crazy because of anything society did to him - society does those things to everybody, and they aren't unusual. He was already crazy. Something inside his head wasn't working right, and THAT'S why he got a gun and started shooting people. When societal influences touched him and he reacted in weird ways, it wasn't society making him do it. It was the broken thing in his head making him do it. Society just happened to be there at the same time.

Would you silly people please stop trying to blame his actions on others? It wasn't their fault. It was HIS fault - because it was HIS head that kept reacting the wrong way, to ordinary, inconsequential things that happen to others as frequently as they happened to him.
You ask our comrade Stalin is Socialism the best medicine for mental illness?

Read the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

It says,,

your right to work!

your right to health protection

your right to housing

your right to education

your right to rest and leisure

your right to take part in the
management and administration of state and public affairs

your right to public Happiness

In America you dont get these rights. In America theyre called privileges. Thats means if you want to work,To be educated,to live in a house,To have Healthcare, public Happiness or become a government offical you must earn it. Jobs,Education,Housing,Marrage or becoming a politican are not given to you. Theyre not rights thayre called privileges. You wanna know how Oswald got married? He walked up to Marina asked her on a date. If shes married she can refuse. But if shes single she cannot reject you or she would be considered breaking the law. Like long time ago i like Laura and i loved her. She rejected me,, She wasnt married and she didnt have a boyfriend,,She simple said shes not that kind of a girl and shes not ready for a relationship nor even partispate in one. Now if we lived in the Soviet Union i could gone to the KGB and hey will ask her questions and ill bet you she will change her mind real quick. Cause its ether you go out with me and be my girlfriend or youll be executed. Go ask our comrade Stalin just how tough the laws are in the Soviet Union. And get this,, In a Soviet Courtroom You dont get a Lawyer and theyre no Juries. Its just between you and 3 judge panel. You have to tell them all by yourself how you didnt do it or you didnt mean to do it and beg for mercy and 99.5% youll end up in prison doing hard labor.
Go ask our comrade Stalin just how tough the laws are in the Soviet Union.

Well, lets take the case of Gary Powers

In 17, 1960, Powers was convicted of espionage against the Soviet Union and was sentenced to a total of 10 years, three years in imprisonment followed by seven years of hard labor. He was held in "Vladimir Central Prison", some 100 miles east of Moscow. The prison contains a small museum with an exhibit on Powers, who allegedly developed a good rapport with Russian prisoners there. Some pieces of the plane and Gary Powers' uniform are on display at the Monino Airbase museum, close to Moscow.


Powers received a cold reception on his return home. Initially, he was criticized for having failed to activate his aircraft’s self-destruct charge to destroy the camera, photographic film, and related classified parts of his aircraft before his capture. He was also criticized for not using an optional CIA-issued "suicide pin" to kill himself.

Compare this with the Rosenbergs, also convicted of spying

Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg (September 28, 1915 – June 19, 1953) and Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 – June 19, 1953) were American communists who were executed in 1953 for conspiracy to commit espionage. The charges related to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. This was the first execution of civilians for espionage in United States history.[1]

Since the execution, decoded Soviet cables, codenamed VENONA, have supported courtroom testimony that Julius acted as a courier and recruiter for the Soviets, but doubts remain about the level of Ethel's involvement.[2][3] The decision to execute the Rosenbergs was, and still is, controversial. The New York Times, in an editorial on the 50th anniversary of the execution (June 19, 2003) wrote, "The Rosenbergs case still haunts American history, reminding us of the injustice that can be done when a nation gets caught up in hysteria."[4] The other atomic spies that were caught by the FBI offered confessions and were not executed. Ethel's brother, David Greenglass, who supplied documents to Julius from Los Alamos, served 10 years of his 15 year sentence.[5] Harry Gold, who identified Greenglass, served 15 years in Federal prison as the courier for Greenglass and the British scientist, Klaus Fuchs.[6] Morton Sobell, who was tried with the Rosenbergs, served 17 years and 9 months.[7] In 2008, Sobell admitted he was a spy and confirmed Julius Rosenberg was "in a conspiracy that delivered to the Soviets classified military and industrial information and what the American government described as the secret to the atomic bomb."[8]

Comrade Stalin