It's Hopeless


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
It's hopeless. There is no possible way there will be any meaningful discussion on health care reform between Democrats and Republicans. That's not a pessimistic view, it's a statement of absolute fact.

There is a link included to a short video of Rachael Madow revealing the latest results of the MsNBC-Wall Street Journal poll. What the poll illustrates is the complete disconnect with fact and the truth that summarizes the beliefs of the rank and file Republicans. You're far more likely to have a meaningful debate on catfishing in Oklahoma with someone that only speaks Mandarin Chinese than you are to get anywhere with the willingly uninformed Republicans. You'll be totally stunned by what they really believe.

Sad, but that's just the way is. Time to stop the discussions, write the bill, pass it and move on to fixing the next set of Republican-created disasters.
It's hopeless. There is no possible way there will be any meaningful discussion on health care reform between Democrats and Republicans. That's not a pessimistic view, it's a statement of absolute fact.

There is a link included to a short video of Rachael Madow revealing the latest results of the MsNBC-Wall Street Journal poll. What the poll illustrates is the complete disconnect with fact and the truth that summarizes the beliefs of the rank and file Republicans. You're far more likely to have a meaningful debate on catfishing in Oklahoma with someone that only speaks Mandarin Chinese than you are to get anywhere with the willingly uninformed Republicans. You'll be totally stunned by what they really believe.

Sad, but that's just the way is. Time to stop the discussions, write the bill, pass it and move on to fixing the next set of Republican-created disasters.

It is hard to have a meaningful debate when Democrats ignore most Republican ideas.

I have a question, have you ever heard of HR 2520 and S. 1099? I wager most people have not, and yet those are the Republican alternatives to health care reform. They have good ideas in them that have been consistently ignored. Instead, Republicans are painted as the party of "no." Nevermind that they wrote their own huge bill on it.

Further, Democrats are not going to simply ram a bill through with 51 votes in the Senate, especially with public opinion being what it is. Doing that probably loses Democrats a chamber of Congress in 2010. That all assumes they can even come to agreement on what should be in it, because they are split on the matter.

Not to mention President Obama stated he would not sign a bill that adds to the deficit, and both HR 3200 and the Kennedy plan add to the deficit according to the CBO.
It's hopeless. There is no possible way there will be any meaningful discussion on health care reform between Democrats and Republicans. That's not a pessimistic view, it's a statement of absolute fact.

There is a link included to a short video of Rachael Madow revealing the latest results of the MsNBC-Wall Street Journal poll. What the poll illustrates is the complete disconnect with fact and the truth that summarizes the beliefs of the rank and file Republicans. You're far more likely to have a meaningful debate on catfishing in Oklahoma with someone that only speaks Mandarin Chinese than you are to get anywhere with the willingly uninformed Republicans. You'll be totally stunned by what they really believe.

Sad, but that's just the way is. Time to stop the discussions, write the bill, pass it and move on to fixing the next set of Republican-created disasters.

Why should we expect meaningful debate between socialists and neocons? Their positions are antithetical and cannot coexist. The only overlap is that they are both statists.

Meanwhile most americans are not statists. Time to take back our government.
Actually I have the complete opposite view. We did have meaningful debate, and the socialist scum bags lost. Finally the American people stood up and told the left to shut up.

This is great!
Actually I have the complete opposite view. We did have meaningful debate, and the socialist scum bags lost. Finally the American people stood up and told the left to shut up.

This is great!

And they did this how? By electing Obie and a Democrat majority Senate and Congress? Did miss something while I was at work?
And they did this how? By electing Obie and a Democrat majority Senate and Congress? Did miss something while I was at work?

Well, there were all these town hall meetings, and people threw a fit about government trying to take over health care, and Obama recently suggested he was going to kill the public plan system. Score one for the conservatives and pretty much the entire nation.
Since you obviously don't rely on real news services, the public option is in. It never went out. Score one for the intelligent folks that make an effort to stay informed.