It's been a bad week for liberals

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Between a couple of supreme cort rulings and several of their members facing time in jail like gold bar bob.Or other possible crimes such as some of the squad are accused with
Uncle Joes performance in front of the whole world and standing there with his mouth open.also.
Then every one realizing Joe Jill and Joe's staff have been lying and now we know why he used executive power to hide it.
His staffers speaking out about how mean he is and they are scared to tell him some things .how he's only good for a few hours a day yes I could go on but there is no need . You will never admit I have been right for 2 years an you were all full of it. Lol
The fact that not one of you is man enough to say hey you were right I still hate you but you were right
And that fact none of you have and some still think he's just fine your own pride and ignorance and skill of observation are all so lol you will need a midget to mambo with lol.