israel's secret nuclear plans


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
did you know that israel and russia probably still target each other with nuclear weapons ?

from seymour hersh book "the samson option" published 1991 but probably more relevant today

"Publisher Random House says, on the flaps of the dust jacket, that The Samson Option "reveals many startling events," among them:
  • How Israel stole United States satellite reconnaissance intelligence and used it to target the Soviet Union.
  • How Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir directed that some of the intelligence stolen by American Jonathan Pollard, who spied for Israel, be turned over to the Soviet Union.
  • How Israel created a false control room at the Dimona nuclear facility to hide from American nuclear inspectors its use in creating nuclear weapons.
  • How President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration tried and failed to force Israel to acknowledge its nuclear ambitions.
  • How Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons on the third day of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, blackmailing U.S. President Richard Nixon into airlifting military supplies.
  • How Israel used a top London newspaper editor to capture Mordechai Vanunu.
  • How a top American Democratic Party fund-raiser influenced the White House while raising money for the Israeli bomb.
  • How American intelligence finally learned the truth about Dimona.
The American Library Association book review lists additional "significant revelations" in the book:<a href="'s_Nuclear_Arsenal_and_American_Foreign_Policy#cite_note-ALS-2"><span>[</span>2<span>]</span></a>
  • Fuller details about the Israeli bombing of the Iraqi nuclear facility in 1981.
  • That Israel collaborated with South Africa on a nuclear test over the Indian Ocean in 1979.
  • That during the 1991 Gulf War Israel pointed nuclear armed mobile missiles at Iraq.
  • That Israel holds a few neutron bombs in addition to several hundred other nuclear weapons.That U.S. policy towards Israel's nuclear program "was not just one of benign neglect: it was a conscious policy of ignoring reality."
The New Scientist book review lists specific examples of U.S. official's suppression of information:

comrade stalin