Israel’s Brutality Draws on British Rule


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
there was nothing new in the behaviour of the zionists in 1948, or indeed in gaza in the present day...

despite their ridiculous self-image as a civilizing force, british colonialism was a brutal and nasty as anything the zionists
could cook up, who adopted the british excesses with relish..

"Britain ruled Palestine during its “mandate” between 1920-48, and its repressive infrastructure came into full force during the 1936-39 Great Arab Revolt.

In 1936, Palestine erupted into a national uprising following two decades of peaceful resistance against British rule and several failed uprisings over the 1920s, as the political and economic situation became dire for the Arab majority.

The uprising called for an end to British support for Zionist colonisation and a guarantee of Palestinian self-determination. Britain, however, saw it as a threat to its rule and responded with brutal repression.

By the end of the revolt, 10 percent of the adult male Arab population were either killed, wounded, imprisoned or exiled by the British.

This brought the revolt to an end, devastated Palestinian society and left it defenceless against Zionist militia groups during the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe). Then, over two-thirds of the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from their country to establish the state of Israel.

Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi has argued that the armed suppression of Arab resistance during the revolt was among the most valuable services Britain provided to the Zionist movement.

more at

note : zionists were a significant minority in palestine during british rule

comrade stalin
there was nothing new in the behaviour of the zionists in 1948, or indeed in gaza in the present day...

despite their ridiculous self-image as a civilizing force, british colonialism was a brutal and nasty as anything the zionists
could cook up, who adopted the british excesses with relish..

"Britain ruled Palestine during its “mandate” between 1920-48, and its repressive infrastructure came into full force during the 1936-39 Great Arab Revolt.

In 1936, Palestine erupted into a national uprising following two decades of peaceful resistance against British rule and several failed uprisings over the 1920s, as the political and economic situation became dire for the Arab majority.

The uprising called for an end to British support for Zionist colonisation and a guarantee of Palestinian self-determination. Britain, however, saw it as a threat to its rule and responded with brutal repression.

By the end of the revolt, 10 percent of the adult male Arab population were either killed, wounded, imprisoned or exiled by the British.

This brought the revolt to an end, devastated Palestinian society and left it defenceless against Zionist militia groups during the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe). Then, over two-thirds of the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from their country to establish the state of Israel.

Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi has argued that the armed suppression of Arab resistance during the revolt was among the most valuable services Britain provided to the Zionist movement.

more at

note : zionists were a significant minority in palestine during british rule

comrade stalin
Barbarous tribes have fought over lands for centuries, but, ironically, few even wanted the land of Judea until Israel made the desert blossom as a rose.
Barbarous tribes have fought over lands for centuries, but, ironically, few even wanted the land of Judea until Israel made the desert blossom as a rose.
lol, do you work for isreali propaganda?

people lived there since forever. they wanted to live there, they wanted the land. duh.
god you say the dumbest things.
lol, do you work for isreali propaganda?

people lived there since forever. they wanted to live there, they wanted the land. duh.
god you say the dumbest things.

Her Impact on the World / Desolate or Oasis? – Israel Then and Now

Desolate or Oasis? – Israel Then and Now​

By My Olive Tree | August 5, 2020


What do you picture when you think of Israel? A land flowing with milk and honey? Perhaps an exotic local? Or the place Jesus walked?
Israel has been many things throughout time, but as Mark Twain wrote of it in 1867, “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine [Israel] must be the prince…”
Yet, what Mark Twain and others—including many before and after Twain’s time—thought of Israel, has become less and less true as years pass. In fact, it has gone from a desolate, forsaken land to an oasis of God’s blessings; because, as the prophets of the Word foretold, the Children of Israel have returned!

Israel 100+ Years Ago:​

As indicated above, Mark Twain had little positive to say about the land of Israel. In fact, as far as can be found in the letters and journals he kept during his trip there, even the one or two positives he wrote were tinged with a deep level of lackluster impression. So much so, that while other accounts agree with his view of the land, it might be easy to believe that Mark Twain was taking extreme liberties in his recounts. If merely to tantalize those who would read the 51 contracted short stories from his trip.
Yet, the accounts were—despite his moments of ill humor and desire to discredit God—largely, and if not entirely, true. Israel was a wasteland, and only a true zeal for the Word of God could somehow alter the light of that fact—and Twain was hardly a man given to belief in God, let alone seeing the world around him through the eyes of Heaven.
“Its banks, and those of the brook are respectably adorned with blooming oleanders, but the unutterable beauty of the spot will not throw a well-balanced man into convulsions, as the Syrian books of travel would lead one to suppose.”—Mark Twain writing about the river Dan soon after passing into Israel
“The further we went the hotter the sun got, and the more rocky and bare, repulsive and dreary the landscape became…There was hardly a tree or a shrub any where. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”—Mark Twain
“Palestine [Israel] is desolate and unlovely.”—Mark Twain
We could quote Mark Twain for pages, providing Israel the
Barbarous tribes have fought over lands for centuries, but, ironically, few even wanted the land of Judea until Israel made the desert blossom as a rose.
news to the egyptians, babylonians, assyrians, greeks, romans, muslims, ottomans, and british, and a few others lost to history

to defend your surreal support for genocide, you are forced into stating more and more ridiculous things..

you should read some history

here is a good antidote to your pious nonsense

comrade stalin
you know that when someone quotes the satirical writer mark twain they are desparate

but thanks.. you have reinforced my claims of genocide in spades...

"...The Innocents Abroad is a notoriously unreliable narrative with three consistent objects of satire: evangelical Christianity, wealthy Americans, and popular travel writing. It is not a work of rigorous history or even an earnest effort to record the observations of a 19th-century traveller. It’s a travel book about how people who write travel books are often full of hokum.


In the passages most cited by Zionists, Twain describes Palestine as “untenanted by any living creature and unblessed by any feature that is pleasant.” It is “desolate and unlovely,” “lies in sackcloth and ashes,” and is “inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes.” What they do not acknowledge is how these descriptions are embedded within a satirical conceit targeted at naive Christians and missionary travel writers. The demeaning descriptions of “present Palestine” are juxtaposed with Biblical allusions, one might go so far as to call them cliches.


But one need not do even this much interpretive work to reveal that Twain well knew that there were Palestinians in Palestine. In fact, in his dispatch to the New York Tribune titled “First Day In Palestine,” he describes it as a place teeming with indigenous people. He literally compares them to the “noble red man” of North America. With a mixture of pity and disgust, Twain describes the conditions in which they live and particularly the illnesses of their children, some of whom are treated by a doctor among the pilgrims.

With his characteristic blend of sentiment and satire, Twain describes a growing crowd, who “sat in silence, and with tireless patience watched our every motion with that vile, uncomplaining impoliteness which is so truly Indian, and which makes a white man so nervous, and uncomfortable and savage that he wants to exterminate the whole tribe.”

This is Twainian cringe. He reproduces the racism of his American readers, their sense of white supremacy, accurately tinges it with Christian piety, then audaciously names the genocidal bloodlust which is its subtext, and reverses the binary. It is not the “truly Indian,” but the “white man” who is “savage” in his desire to “exterminate the whole tribe.”

With the hope of dispelling the idea that Twain should be held up as a reliable source for estimating the population density, economic development, or cultural practices of what is now Israel and Palestine, the Center For Mark Twain Studies has collected below the newspaper dispatches which describe Twain’s visit to this region in 1867.

comrade stalin
news to the egyptians, babylonians, assyrians, greeks, romans, muslims, ottomans, and british, and a few others lost to history

to defend your surreal support for genocide, you are forced into stating more and more ridiculous things..

you should read some history

here is a good antidote to your pious nonsense

comrade stalin
The world should be happy that Israel has helped civilize a barbaroius region that was something of a desolate wastland when they first inherited their small piece of property there.

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FEBRUARY 23, 2010

50 Years Ago: The Reclamation of a Man-Made Desert​

Israel is restoring to cultivation a land damaged by a millennium of abuse. The achievement is an example to a world that must face the task of increasing food supplies to feed a rising population
Note: This story, originally published in our April 1960 issue of Scientific American, is being made available as a supplement to the April 2010 issue 50, 100, 150 Years Ago feature.
The State of Israel has undertaken to create a new agriculture in an old and damaged land. The 20th century Israelites did not find their promised land "Rowing with milk and honey," as their forebears did 3,300 years ago. They came to a land of encroaching sand dunes along a once-verdant coast, of malarial swamps and naked limestone hills from which an estimated three feet of topsoil had been scoured, sorted and spread as sterile overwash upon the plains or swept out to sea in Rood waters that time after time turned the beautiful blue of the Mediterranean to a dirty brown as far as the horizon. The land of Israel had shared the fate of land throughout the Middle East. A decline in productivity, in population and in culture had set in with the fading of the Byzantine Empire some 1,300 years ago. The markers of former forest boundaries on treeless slopes and the ruins of dams, aqueducts and terraced irrigation works, of cities, bridges and paved highways-all bore witness that the land had once supported a great civilization with a much larger population in a higher state of well-being.
nice puff piece from the zionist fallacy factory

the truth, as always with these things, rather different

"During the mandate period, the typical Palestinian farmer in the highlands continued to practice subsistence farming of wheat, barley, and millet and continued to have problems of too-small holdings, debt, and uncertain tenancy. "They devoted their energies into holding on to what they had." Yields of the grain crops varied greatly from year to year and imports were necessary to make up deficits in the demand for grain for local consumption. [24]

However, the share of farmland devoted to growing grain declined (as did the musha'a system of land tenancy in favor of privately owned land) as Palestinian agriculture increased in diversity. Palestinian production of export and commercial crops increased rapidly. Vegetables (including potatoes, a new crop), olives, and fruit, especially citrus, were the most important commercial crops. As opposed to grain production in the highlands, most commercial agriculture was on the plains near the Mediterranean Sea and irrigation was commonly used to make up deficits in precipitation. Inland Galilee was an area of increase in growing olives and producing olive oil. During the mandate period, Palestinian vegetable production increased more than ten-fold,[25] olive production more than doubled,[26] and acreage planted in citrus increased more than seven-fold.[27] Citrus comprised about 40 percent of the value of the agricultural exports of the Palestinian Arabs.[28] Despite the rapid increase in Palestinian citrus cultivation, by 1945, the acreage of Jewish-grown citrus had risen to slightly exceed Palestinian acreage. Palestinian vegetable production continued to be almost triple than of Jewish production. The production of wheat, barley, and olives was dominated by Palestinian farmers. [29]

does not square with your rosy view of zionists "making the desert bloom" does it..

comrade stalin
nice puff piece from the zionist fallacy factory

the truth, as always with these things, rather different

"During the mandate period, the typical Palestinian farmer in the highlands continued to practice subsistence farming of wheat, barley, and millet and continued to have problems of too-small holdings, debt, and uncertain tenancy. "They devoted their energies into holding on to what they had." Yields of the grain crops varied greatly from year to year and imports were necessary to make up deficits in the demand for grain for local consumption. [24]

However, the share of farmland devoted to growing grain declined (as did the musha'a system of land tenancy in favor of privately owned land) as Palestinian agriculture increased in diversity. Palestinian production of export and commercial crops increased rapidly. Vegetables (including potatoes, a new crop), olives, and fruit, especially citrus, were the most important commercial crops. As opposed to grain production in the highlands, most commercial agriculture was on the plains near the Mediterranean Sea and irrigation was commonly used to make up deficits in precipitation. Inland Galilee was an area of increase in growing olives and producing olive oil. During the mandate period, Palestinian vegetable production increased more than ten-fold,[25] olive production more than doubled,[26] and acreage planted in citrus increased more than seven-fold.[27] Citrus comprised about 40 percent of the value of the agricultural exports of the Palestinian Arabs.[28] Despite the rapid increase in Palestinian citrus cultivation, by 1945, the acreage of Jewish-grown citrus had risen to slightly exceed Palestinian acreage. Palestinian vegetable production continued to be almost triple than of Jewish production. The production of wheat, barley, and olives was dominated by Palestinian farmers. [29]

does not square with your rosy view of zionists "making the desert bloom" does it..

comrade stalin
The author of the biased book clearly blames Israel for taking away portions of lands used with great advantage by their enemies to incessantly bomb Israeli civilians for years. The Arabs kept threatening to murder every living Jew in the area and backed up their genocidal narratives with the relentless bombings unti the 6 days war in which Israel took possion of the launching grounds the Palestinians have been whining about ever since.
prove it

comrade stalin
You don't believe Israel captured land from Arabs that the Arabs had been using to relentlessly bomb innocent Israeli women and childfen for years? Why not? I get my info from reports, as I am sure you must do also. This is what I read about Israel and the Golan Heights:,began%20to%20settle%20the%20Golan. 8-29-23

Golan Heights profile

  • Published
29 August 2023

The Golan Heights is a rocky plateau in south-western Syria, about 60km (40 miles) south-west of Damascus and covers about 1,000 sq km. It has a political and strategic significance which belies its size.

Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria in the closing stages of the 1967 Six-Day War. Most of the Syrian Arab inhabitants fled the area during the conflict.

An armistice line was established and the region came under Israeli military control. Almost immediately Israel began to settle the Golan.

Syria tried to retake the Golan Heights during the 1973 Middle East war. Despite inflicting heavy losses on Israeli forces, the surprise assault was thwarted. Both countries signed an armistice in 1974 and a UN observer force has been in place on the ceasefire line since 1974.

Israel unilaterally annexed the Golan Heights in 1981. The move was not recognised internationally, although the US Trump Administration did so unilaterally in March 2019.

There are more than 30 Israeli settlements in the Golan, which are home to an estimated 20,000 people. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.

The settlers live alongside some 20,000 Syrians, most of them Druze Arabs, who did not flee when the Golan was captured.

Syria has always insisted that it will not agree a peace deal with Israel unless it withdraws from the whole of the Golan.

Strategic importance

While still under Syrian control, the Golan Heights were used to bombard Israeli territory below

Southern Syria and the capital Damascus, about 60 km (40 miles) north, are clearly visible from the top of the Heights while Syrian artillery regularly shelled the whole of northern Israel from 1948 to 1967 when Syria controlled the Heights.

The heights give Israel an excellent vantage point for monitoring Syrian movements. The topography provides a natural buffer against any military thrust from Syria. ...

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967.
a pity you do not do more research

syrians are not inhabitants of gaza or the west bank

"..In 1976, former Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan said Israel provoked more than 80% of the clashes with Syria in the run up to the 1967 war, although historians debate whether he was "giving an accurate account of the situation in 1967 or whether his version of what happened was colored by his disgrace after the 1973 Middle East war, when he was forced to resign as Defense Minister over the failure to anticipate the Arab attack."[90] The provocation was sending a tractor to plow in the demilitarized areas. The Syrians responded by firing at the tractors and shelling Israeli settlements.[91][92] Jan Mühren, a former UN observer in the area at the time, told a Dutch current affairs programme that Israel "provoked most border incidents as part of its strategy to annex more land".[93] UN officials blamed both Israel and Syria for destabilizing the borders.[94].."

comrade stalin
golan heights
a pity you do not do more research

syrians are not inhabitants of gaza or the west bank

"..In 1976, former Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan said Israel provoked more than 80% of the clashes with Syria in the run up to the 1967 war, although historians debate whether he was "giving an accurate account of the situation in 1967 or whether his version of what happened was colored by his disgrace after the 1973 Middle East war, when he was forced to resign as Defense Minister over the failure to anticipate the Arab attack."[90] The provocation was sending a tractor to plow in the demilitarized areas. The Syrians responded by firing at the tractors and shelling Israeli settlements.[91][92] Jan Mühren, a former UN observer in the area at the time, told a Dutch current affairs programme that Israel "provoked most border incidents as part of its strategy to annex more land".[93] UN officials blamed both Israel and Syria for destabilizing the borders.[94].."

comrade stalin
golan heights
The Jewish nation remains the nation of Abraham's descendants who will inherit God's promise to Abraham.

Genesis 12
King James Version

12 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.​

in fact, there were hebrews in egypt in ancient could there not be..they came because of famine and then behaved like the thorough bastards, complete with disrespect for the locals, as is the case today...

they were driven out because of their behaviour

:..The first thing to know is that a great famine—like that mentioned in the Joseph story—occurred around 1200 BCE, give or take 25 years. To anchor the Joseph story in historical fact, we must assume that he was active during this period, around 1200 BCE, during the great famine crisis.


According to Manetho, a group called the Hyksos came from Canaan, overran Egypt, were driven out, went back to Canaan, and ultimately settled in Jerusalem. Later, the pharaoh named Amenophis, who wanted to come face to face with the gods, was told by his counselor that only if Egypt was cleansed of lepers would he be able to see the gods. Amenophis collected all the lepers in Egypt together and settled them in a remote city, Avaris, which had previously been the Hyksos’s capital. The lepers rebelled against Amenophis and appointed a leper priest called Osarseph as their leader. Osarseph had previously served at the temple of the sun god (the biblical “On”) in Heliopolis, and he gave the lepers a new religion that was hostile to the Egyptian religion. They despised the Egyptian gods and sacred animals, which they slaughtered, roasted, and ate.

When the lepers were attacked, Osarseph sent messengers abroad to conscript a militia. He approached the Hyksos in Jerusalem, and they arrived in thousands from Canaan to help Osarseph and the lepers, at which point Osarseph changed his name to Moses. Together, the lepers and the Jerusalemites formed a military power that took over Egypt, looted the Egyptian temples, profaned the idols, and slaughtered and ate the sacred animals. Amenophis fled Egypt and went to Ethiopia. Years later, Amenophis left Ethiopia with a huge army and returned to Egypt. Together with his (now grown up) son Ramses, he fought the joint forces of the lepers and the Jerusalemites, and pursued them into the Syrian mountains.

We have here a story of an ethnic group in Egypt that threatened the indigenous Egyptian religion and objected to the worship of Egyptian idols and sacred animals. This group was reinforced by people arriving from the north, from the direction of Canaan, and together they seized power over Egypt, until Pharaoh Amenophis, aided by his son Ramses, drove them out.

Thomas Römer, a scholar working in Paris, noticed the similarity of plot and argued that it was very reminiscent of Pharaoh’s words at the beginning of the book of Exodus:

And the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, and multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them. . . . And he said to his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: come, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply and it come to pass that when any war should chance, they also join our enemies and fight against us and so go up out of the land (Exod. 1:7, 9–10).

comrade stalin