ISIS tells Americans they’ll 'drink their blood' in terrifying promise to attack

Slant Eyed Polack

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2024
Link: ISIS tells Americans they’ll 'drink their blood' in terrifying promise to attack

...Titled "An open letter to Americans", the ISIS message blames US Citizens for failing to "stop your filthy leadership shedding the blood of Muslims in Palestine, Syria and elsewhere" and warns them "nothing is tastier to us than drinking your blood to quench our avenging thirst."...

And we'll feed your rotting corpses to ravenous pigs. Fair deal?
isis is a WarParty invention and has rewarded the inventors most handsomely

we all remember that when 911 happened, the hapless bush family evacuated the bin laden family to the safety
of somewhere in case the blame was laden at the feet of the guilty

FACT : Bush the elder, perhaps the the WarParty's most slavish servant, was a regular visitor to the bin family compound in jeddah

what more could a judge and jury wish for

who benefits ??

comrade stalin
antiwar Party candidate in any election