Is there anything that JD Vance actually believes?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
the historical figure that, to me, most resembles jim vance, is ex-governor of texas and nixon apparachik john connally,
who in William Manchester's book Death of a President, "could not put enough distance between himself and his childhood".

basically, vance is an intelligent chancer with his eyes on the brass ring..

"According to historian Gabriel Winant, Vance has spent much of his life clinging to a series of mentors, whom he has used for professional advancement before moving on from – and, ultimately, betraying. There was his grandmother, or “Meemaw”, the hardscrabble woman who raised him in rural Ohio – but whom he depicted as ignorant and ultimately culturally pathological in his bestselling memoir, Hillbilly Elegy. There was his Yale Law School mentor Amy Chua, the author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and wife of Jed Rubenfeld, who was suspended from Yale Law after an investigation found that he sexually harassed his students. (Chua also mentored Vance’s wife, Usha Vance, whom she helped secure a clerkship with Brett Kavanaugh.) But Vance left this center-right Yale Law milieu for Silicon Valley, where he made his fortune as a venture capitalist under the tutelage (and with the funding) of the far-right techo-libertarian billionaire Peter Thiel, who would later go on to bankroll Vance’s Senate campaign. Thiel seems to have introduced Vance to his other mentor, the reactionary “neo-monarchist” and favorite intellectual of the Silicon Valley right, Curtis Yarvin.

But he pushed aside these old mentors for Donald Trump, whose endorsement he sought with near-slavish sycophancy in his 2022 race. He did this despite having once characterized Trump as “cultural heroin”, “a total fraud”, “reprehensible”, “a moral disaster” and “America’s Hitler”. Vance made those statements back when it suited his ambitions to be critical of Trump: after the release of his book, just before the election in 2016, Vance had been hailed as a “Trump whisperer”, translating the then candidate’s supporters in terms that were palatable for coastal liberal elites. But it does not suit him to be anti-Trump anymore. Now it suits him to be the running mate for “America’s Hitler”.

PS : Connally was the person who took the usa off the gold standard, ending the era of sound logical finance and brought in the chaos
and instability of funny money...

comrade stalin
NotHillbillyAnyMoresville usa
No economist thinks that the gold standard was sustainable or advantageous to innovation or industrial development.
No country out of 212 political entities has retained a gold standard. Whyy? Because it has been proven to result in crashes, panics, depressions and recessions every five to ten years.

Stability cannot exist with a gold standard. The world gold supply fluctuates far too much for that. Without stability, you have economic problems.
The guy comes out of nowhere. The basic moral of the story of Hillbilly Elegy is that the inherited culture of hillbillies is defective, and if they are poor and semiliterate, it is their own damn fault. They should be like me, and join the Marines, assist in colonial wars and become Yalies, it's that simple.

So Vance has won one election and done practically nothing in the Senate other than obey Trump and now he has a shot at running the country. Who can blame him, he is ever so ambitious. All he has to do is obey and play follow the leader.