Is Jill Biden THE REAL president

What do you want? To make it illegal for the president to talk with his wife?

We;;, we don't expect Melania to ever be consulted, of course.

Jill Biden is not arm candy or a golddigger like Melania.
What do you want? To make it illegal for the president to talk with his wife?

We;;, we don't expect Melania to ever be consulted, of course.

Jill Biden is not arm candy or a golddigger like Melania.
No Jill sure isn't as pretty that's a fact and as far as her being a gold digger, you seem to have been listing to lies she was a very successful before she married trump .
Sure help when you know what your talking about,
Melania wore clothes and took pictures wearing them. She was a mediocre model,and she was nearing her expiration date. And she is six feet tall, which limited her desirability. She came here as a tourist and worked illegally.

She came to the US as a golddigger, and that described her perfectly.

She has been the least successful first lady ever. We all know her motto" I don't really care". Just like Trump.
Melania wore clothes and took pictures wearing them. She was a mediocre model,and she was nearing her expiration date. And she is six feet tall, which limited her desirability. She came here as a tourist and worked illegally.

She came to the US as a golddigger, and that described her perfectly.

She has been the least successful first lady ever. We all know her motto" I don't really care". Just like Trump.
lol she stayed out of the lime light unlike jill who is the boss

What makes a successful first lady one that stays out of the lime light or one that baby sits and is in denial of her husbands mental condition
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No. Jill is just desperate to keep riding the presidential gravy train for 4 more years if she can, regardless of poor Joe's deteriorating condition. Jill is not smart enough to run things currently being run by mobsters far above her in craftiness and skills.
She is many many times smarter than you. You believe in talking snakes. demons and zombies popping out of their graves.
What do you want? To make it illegal for the president to talk with his wife?

We;;, we don't expect Melania to ever be consulted, of course.

Jill Biden is not arm candy or a golddigger like Melania.
Jill Biden may not have been seeking to better her circumstances by dumping her first husband so she could marry Joe, but she does seem to be selfishly propping up Joe for another 4 years of pure pleasure hoping to continue her position as first lady at everyone's expense, including poor Joe's.