iranian retaliation


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
the smart move would be to destroy the buildings that house the organisations that fund the cancerous isreali lobby AIPAC that owns
the us government and relentlessly promotes warcrime and atrocity ..

alternatively send many thousands of small boats across the gulf and seize the oilfields currently under the control of WarParty lickspittles saudi arabia, uae and kuwait

and boot the unwanted us troops out of iraq into the bargain..after all, the iraqi government has told the us to remove them..

us troops are like cockroaches..once they are in your house..its very difficult to remove them

comrade stalin
gaza warcrime is now the issue
It is beginning to look like Iran will do nothing at all to avenge the Israeli assassination of Muslim leaders.
for some reason iran is not falling into the trap set by the genocidalist zionists and their lickspittles the WarParty...

comrade stalin
Lol to bad so sad .why were these leaders killed in the first place what did they do
They were the organizers of the Oct 7th attacks on Israel by Hamas, or at least that is what Israel claims.
Iran isn't likely to act soon, as it certainly does not want a war with the US.
iran is too smart to give the odious settler project what they want..

they just have to sit back and watch the economies of isrill, and their paymasters the us, tank...

comrade stalin
south lebanon
Iran's leaders are smart enough to understand that at the present time, the Palestinians are gaining in advocating their cause, and any major attack would spoil their momentum.
Both sides are trying to do the impossible: to take over the entire Palisrael territory. Neither side has any chance of winning.