Iran and the stupidity of Barry o bung and lying biden

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes they both sucked up to Iran and removed sanctions gave them money and tried to work with them even ignoring the vile things Iran has said about us and that we are the great evil and they want to destroy us.

Reminds me of a story a pro wrestler went to a bar his name was Tonga . guys kept messing with him . well he didn't play and kicked all 6 of their asses in under 1 min.
Thats what Iran would do to us if they could , The story is Iran thinks hoe is bluffing due to his previous actions ,

liberal stupidly has empowered Iran removed sanctions let them work on nukes openly and ballistic rockets and helped pay for it.

Will there ever be a liberal smart enough to comprehend they hate us and are a enemy and always will be .
. While I am not all all happy how he handled the afghan withdrawal it sent a message that he is weak .
along with his previous dealing with Iran it gave that impression . He should of reacted faster to the attacks on America by Iran Proxy groups and hit them with the really big hammers , and made it plain what we will do . Muslim terrorist and Iran both respect force .
The attacks on shipping should of resulted in several nations grouping together t hit the bases in Yemen hard and I mean hard a few hundred air and missile strikes and they wound think about it before attacking shipping again . Same for the proxy groups who attacked American .
Israel did this with Hamas and while it is brutal it will be a long time before they are capable again after their infrastructure of tunnels are destroyed.
When you remove sanctions and give a terrorist state billions of dollars ignore their atomic goals an ICBMs they are developing .and play nice you see the results . When will democrats comprehend they are not our friends or trading partners they are our enemies.