Since the "AMERICAN DESTROYER" , F.D.R. captured the unions he turned them into GOONS , destroying Companies , killing non - union workers , blowing up homes of non -union folks . The GOONIONS became so corrupt that common sense Americans turned away from these criminals and clear thinking Americans turned their backs on corrupt GOONIONS. . But in recent years and particulary since the fascist policies of obama have taken complete control of our political system we see even more dangerous attacks upon a once free society for workers in America . While obama supporters have not as yet adopted "Brown Shirts" as their offical uniform their policies are very anti- American and remind all clear thinking Americans of the 1930's in Germany . Oh , yes, fascist supporting news media in Germany praised and honored the fascist leader at that time too. Time Magazine named Hitler "MAN of the YEAR", he may have also received a Nobel Piece Prize too. He was begginning to capture "pieces" of neighboring countries and enslaving its people , plus he hated America. Both of which are strong credentials for one wanting to secure a "Noble Piece " prize! America has never taken pride in one of its leaders "winning " a Nobel Prize in the past , why now?
If algore, carter , Wilson , and T. Roosevelt are not enough bad examples , why would we be anxious to add another ? Why celebrate our DECADENCE?
If algore, carter , Wilson , and T. Roosevelt are not enough bad examples , why would we be anxious to add another ? Why celebrate our DECADENCE?