Immigration Proposal - Yes or No?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
At a two-day retreat on the frozen banks of the Choptank River on Maryland's Eastern Shore, GOP leaders circulated an outline that would guide the drafting of any House Republican legislation on the subject — a document that Speaker John Boehner told the rank and file was as far as the party was willing to go.

It includes a proposed pathway to legal status for millions of adults who live in the U.S. unlawfully — after they pay back taxes and fines — but no special route to citizenship for them.

Many younger Americans brought to the country illegally by their parents would be eligible for citizenship.

"For those who meet certain eligibility standards, and serve honorably in our military or attain a college degrees, we will do just that," the statement said.

The principles also include steps to increase security at the nation's borders and workplaces, declaring those a prerequisite for any of the other changes
Immigration proposals? Sure, there are bound to be some. Immigration reform? From the current Congress? Perhaps when we start seeing flocks of pigs overhead.

Currently, the strategy of the Republican Party is to blame the lack of immigration reform on the Democrats and continue to call for the construction of a border fence that they know to be a boondoggle. The Democrats, on the other hand, will continue to whine about amnesty, which they know will never pass and that they really aren't in favor of anyway. Result: Status quo, at least for the foreseeable future.
Immigration proposals? Sure, there are bound to be some. Immigration reform? From the current Congress? Perhaps when we start seeing flocks of pigs overhead.

Currently, the strategy of the Republican Party is to blame the lack of immigration reform on the Democrats and continue to call for the construction of a border fence that they know to be a boondoggle. The Democrats, on the other hand, will continue to whine about amnesty, which they know will never pass and that they really aren't in favor of anyway. Result: Status quo, at least for the foreseeable future.

Actually, the word 'fence' is not used in the Republican proposal at all --- they did it different. They base the milestones on performance - "cut illegal immigration by 30%" or "increase border agents by 15%" or words like that.

I don't think there is going to be a logjam - frankly, the Dems can't afford to NOT pass something - the Republicans on the other hand are not expected to pass anything, so they can't be hurt by failure very much - no matter how much finger pointing the Dems do.

The Republican proposal is in draft, so I expect you will see that pass the House and go to the Senate - once it goes there, the Dems got a problem - do they pass the Republican version, and take credit for getting a modified version of immigration reform thru a contentious Congress - or do they kill it and try to bring their own version to the floor, where it will get killed in the House.

Gonna be interesting.
Actually, the word 'fence' is not used in the Republican proposal at all --- they did it different. They base the milestones on performance - "cut illegal immigration by 30%" or "increase border agents by 15%" or words like that.

I don't think there is going to be a logjam - frankly, the Dems can't afford to NOT pass something - the Republicans on the other hand are not expected to pass anything, so they can't be hurt by failure very much - no matter how much finger pointing the Dems do.

The Republican proposal is in draft, so I expect you will see that pass the House and go to the Senate - once it goes there, the Dems got a problem - do they pass the Republican version, and take credit for getting a modified version of immigration reform thru a contentious Congress - or do they kill it and try to bring their own version to the floor, where it will get killed in the House.

Gonna be interesting.
It is going to be interesting, but all it will be is a game of political football. If anything meaningful comes out of Congress as it is currently, I'll be very surprised.
It is going to be interesting, but all it will be is a game of political football. If anything meaningful comes out of Congress as it is currently, I'll be very surprised.
By definition, it's going to be meaningful ... because it's going to set the course for immigration for the next 10 years ... of course, given the current regime's penchant for ignoring Congress and the Courts, that may not be true.
I think they went and talked and said, yep we will stay the party of old white rich people and Rednecks.

WOW! Are you ever wrong ... that is such a massive misstatement ... you ought to be penalized 15 yards for misuse of the English language ... 'I think' .... damn, that's some serious mistake... because, clearly, you don't.
WOW! Are you ever wrong ... that is such a massive misstatement ... you ought to be penalized 15 yards for misuse of the English language ... 'I think' .... damn, that's some serious mistake... because, clearly, you don't.

More that that. 3 game suspension.

I agree that we need a better system, but after what this Administration has done with the healthcare debacle, I doubt they are capable of dealing with it.

We need to shut down the border first. Once that is fixed, then we can go to the next step.

And on a side note, when we have so many citizens out of work, how can anyone seriously consider doing this?
At a two-day retreat on the frozen banks of the Choptank River on Maryland's Eastern Shore, GOP leaders circulated an outline that would guide the drafting of any House Republican legislation on the subject — a document that Speaker John Boehner told the rank and file was as far as the party was willing to go.

It includes a proposed pathway to legal status for millions of adults who live in the U.S. unlawfully — after they pay back taxes and fines — but no special route to citizenship for them.

Many younger Americans brought to the country illegally by their parents would be eligible for citizenship.

"For those who meet certain eligibility standards, and serve honorably in our military or attain a college degrees, we will do just that," the statement said.

The principles also include steps to increase security at the nation's borders and workplaces, declaring those a prerequisite for any of the other changes
