Illinois Supreme Court issues stay; puts Emmanuel back on Chicago ballot


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
The Illinois Supreme Court just issuesd a stay of the lower court's order that had kicked Rahm Emmanuel off the ballot as a candidate for Mayor.

The ISC's order included a command that if any ballots are printed while the ISC is considering the issue, Rahm Emmanuel's name must be on them.

One effect this will have, is that printing presses all over Illinois will be slammed into overdrive immediately, and will be running nonstop, 24/7. At least until the ISC comes out with its final verdict.


Ill. court issues stay; Rahm back on the ballot

From NBC's John Yang
Jan. 25, 2011 - 45 minutes ago

The Illinois Supreme Court has just issued a stay of the appeals court's order knocking Rahm Emanuel off the ballot and directing the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners to restore his name to the ballot.

This is a strong indication that the court will accept the case and, perhaps, of which way the justices are leaning.

*** UPDATE *** NBC's Pete Williams has more:

Less than 24 hours after an Illinois appeals court bumped Rahm Emanuel off the ballot for Chicago's election for mayor, the state's supreme court put that ruling on hold and ordered the city to include his name on any ballots being printed.

"The Board of Elections is directed that if any ballots are printed while this Court is considering this case, the ballots should include the name of petitioner Rahm Emanuel as a candidate for Mayor of the City of Chicago," the Supreme Court said in a one-page, unsigned order.

The court said it acted after receiving legal briefs from Emanuel and from his legal opponents who claimed he was unqualified because he did not meet residency requirements of state law. Today's order left unresolved whether the state's high court would take up the entire case on a speeded-up basis, but the order gave Emanuel the rapid relief he was seeking -- to keep his name on the ballot.
There is no truth to the rumor that a dead fish, wrapped in black judicial robes, was delivered anonymously to the office of Thomas L. Kilbride, Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court this morning.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
There is no truth to the rumor that a dead fish, wrapped in black judicial robes, was delivered anonymously to the office of Thomas L. Kilbride, Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court this morning.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

But nobody has seen his missus lately. And he's walking with a limp.

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