HankHill, you have totally mis-typecast me. I am a fiscal conservative, social libertarian. If I had my way I would legalize elective euthanasia so anyone could choose the option of dying with dignity and without pain.
My father suffered through 8 years of Alzheimer's and it is fate worse than torture. I got a call in the middle of the night telling me my father could no longer eat food - did I want a second tube down his throat so he would get nutrition. In other words, "Hey, son, do you want your sick father to live or die". I wish to hell they would have asked him that question when he still had a brain that functioned well enough so he could answer.
Topically irrelevant, an unwarranted unrelated digressive diversion.
There is no right or proper answer to stem cell research.
The wrong answer is to murder people in their earliest stage of life to use their body parts without their consent to perhaps save the lives of others. Such ageistic justification of murder is simply and obviously wrong.
The right answer is to say no to murderous Mengele type embryonic stem cell "research", and to say yes to the new more successful methods of stem cell retrieval presently offerred by state-of-the-art science, methods that do not involve murdering anyone.
It really is that clear and simple, Hobo1.
Your idiosyncratic support of murderous abortion as a convenient method of birth control for you is blinding you to the simple obvious truth of the matter.
Yes it will save lives and prevent suffering, but what are we going to do when all the diseases that kill people are cured?
No one is talking about that!!
I'm sorry that people suffer painful debilitating disease.
But that does not excuse the Mengele-like murder of a class of people to fix these sick people up, no matter how young that class of people is.
Again, there are better and more promising stem cell retrieval methods than murderous embryonic ones.
It makes rational sense to stop murdering and focus on better methods.
If you want to "get right with your God" by somehow thinking you are saving lives by opposing stem cell research - then go right ahead and think that way. To my way of thinking that is so far off the primary issue of "do we cure all diseases or do we allow for death with honor"?[/B]
It is good to want to cure disease and provide for death with honor.
It is, of course, wrong to murder people, no matter how young they are.
Sadly, sickness and otherwise premature death is part of the risk we take by simply being alive ... and we can improve our chances by taking good care of ourselves, eating healthy, getting plenty of exercise, etc.
But the quick-fix mentality that utilitarianly okays the murder of one class of people to repair another class of people is, in my way of thinking, abhorrent.
I can see you and Chip and not yet made it to a course in "Advanced Thinking 101"
Erroneous, unjustified initiation of ad homimen.
Your projection is irrelevant, Hobo1.
And should you ever be interested in a more advanced course of study, feel free to visit here:
A Conception's Right To Life, where you might truly receive the lesson in reality you apparently need.