I Spill my Guts, and Wait on Presidential Phone Call
Earlier last week, NBA professional basketball player Jason Collins came out and told the world that he is gay.
By proclaiming that he was gay, Jason Collins has made our President proud. Telling everyone that you are gay takes great courage. President Obama was so impressed that he called Jason and told him how proud he was.
I understand that being gay is a great accomplishment. Back when I had a promising future ahead of me, When I was still in high school..we had showers in the school gym, each pole having 4 nozzles coming out of them. As young men, we would all shower at once and I was constantly sneaking peeks here and there- but men just never did anything for me, those hairy backsides just didn't light my fuse.
But Strange/funny things do happened in the showers.
Sometimes if you weren't paying attention, Sam Woods would sneak up behind you and pee on you. Since fresh urine is about the same temperature as the water coming out of the nozzles, you never felt a difference. If you weren't paying attention, the moment of dread occurred when you heard a bunch of cackling and laughter behind you. Thank God he liked me!
Sam was one of those guys who could shoot a stream of piss about twelve feet. He was kind of a piss sniper having figured out the earth's rotation before sending his golden arc with precision accuracy your way. The other problem with Sam was there was no plan B. You couldn't just kick his ass because he was pretty tough. Two really angry guy's thought they were going to get some revenge and decided to jump Sam in the shower, all lathered up, wet, and naked but unfortunately, this wasn't the movies and both of those kids got their asses kicked by Sam.
So with all of that going on in high school. I never really toyed with the idea of people being gay..
To get to my point, I have been harboring a far bigger secret, far longer than Jason Collins. Like Jason, I didn't pick this it sort of picked me. I have never told anyone about this but I am prepared to reveal it now. If I take a courageous stand here, then perhaps others will feel free to be who they are. People can live their lives free of the fear that comes with incessant finger pointing and ridicule.
I, cashmcall, have toenail fungus. Nasty huh?

Being a semi famous blogger and a role model comes with responsibility. For a lot of people out there struggling with fingernail and toenail fungus.. I want to provide a beacon of hope. I want to deal with this head on, with courage.
When was the last time you read anywhere, a semi famous blogger admitting that he had unsightly toenail fungus? I'll bet you I am the only one because it takes guts. Forget about those people who lay down their lives everyday so that we can be free. Real courage is telling people that you are gay, or that you have some unsightly disease like toenail fungus.
So I am going to be waiting, the rest of this week, for a call from the White House. Maybe Michelle will let me host one of those big fundraising dinners in 2014. I shall leave you with this. Everyone gets treated fairly, well unless you are a GM bondholder, taxpayer, border patrol agent, Benghazi diplomat, or Republican. This is what President Obama had to say about Jason Collins. More "forward" as President Obama shows the way.
The president said Americans should be proud that “this is just one more step in this ongoing recognition that we treat everybody fairly. And everybody’s part of a family, and we judge people on the basis of their character and their performance and not their sexual orientation.”
Earlier last week, NBA professional basketball player Jason Collins came out and told the world that he is gay.
By proclaiming that he was gay, Jason Collins has made our President proud. Telling everyone that you are gay takes great courage. President Obama was so impressed that he called Jason and told him how proud he was.
I understand that being gay is a great accomplishment. Back when I had a promising future ahead of me, When I was still in high school..we had showers in the school gym, each pole having 4 nozzles coming out of them. As young men, we would all shower at once and I was constantly sneaking peeks here and there- but men just never did anything for me, those hairy backsides just didn't light my fuse.
But Strange/funny things do happened in the showers.
Sometimes if you weren't paying attention, Sam Woods would sneak up behind you and pee on you. Since fresh urine is about the same temperature as the water coming out of the nozzles, you never felt a difference. If you weren't paying attention, the moment of dread occurred when you heard a bunch of cackling and laughter behind you. Thank God he liked me!
Sam was one of those guys who could shoot a stream of piss about twelve feet. He was kind of a piss sniper having figured out the earth's rotation before sending his golden arc with precision accuracy your way. The other problem with Sam was there was no plan B. You couldn't just kick his ass because he was pretty tough. Two really angry guy's thought they were going to get some revenge and decided to jump Sam in the shower, all lathered up, wet, and naked but unfortunately, this wasn't the movies and both of those kids got their asses kicked by Sam.
So with all of that going on in high school. I never really toyed with the idea of people being gay..
To get to my point, I have been harboring a far bigger secret, far longer than Jason Collins. Like Jason, I didn't pick this it sort of picked me. I have never told anyone about this but I am prepared to reveal it now. If I take a courageous stand here, then perhaps others will feel free to be who they are. People can live their lives free of the fear that comes with incessant finger pointing and ridicule.
I, cashmcall, have toenail fungus. Nasty huh?

Being a semi famous blogger and a role model comes with responsibility. For a lot of people out there struggling with fingernail and toenail fungus.. I want to provide a beacon of hope. I want to deal with this head on, with courage.
When was the last time you read anywhere, a semi famous blogger admitting that he had unsightly toenail fungus? I'll bet you I am the only one because it takes guts. Forget about those people who lay down their lives everyday so that we can be free. Real courage is telling people that you are gay, or that you have some unsightly disease like toenail fungus.
So I am going to be waiting, the rest of this week, for a call from the White House. Maybe Michelle will let me host one of those big fundraising dinners in 2014. I shall leave you with this. Everyone gets treated fairly, well unless you are a GM bondholder, taxpayer, border patrol agent, Benghazi diplomat, or Republican. This is what President Obama had to say about Jason Collins. More "forward" as President Obama shows the way.
The president said Americans should be proud that “this is just one more step in this ongoing recognition that we treat everybody fairly. And everybody’s part of a family, and we judge people on the basis of their character and their performance and not their sexual orientation.”