I paid 2.64 for gas today

And it didn't take a global pandemic

Cheaper gas will not deliver the US from the rising threat of national insolvency.

The Debt Is Worse than Ever, but the Public Seems Unaware​

Debt-to-GDP Is at Its Highest Level Since World War II​

Government Spending

One of the fascinating quirks of humanity, studied by scientists ranging from behavioral economists to psychologists, is how our perceptions of events are shaped as much by our expectations as by objective realities. Because we compare outcomes to our expectations it is easy for us to make a number of cognitive mistakes, including confusing something getting better for something getting worse, and vice versa. The national debt is a case in point. The tenor of much recent coverage is that the federal debt is a fading problem, even though by any objective measure it is a serious one in the process of getting rapidly worse.
You whined constantly about gas prices under Biden
And bragged constantly abot gas prices under Trump
I figured you were too much of a wuss to acknowledge good news
You pathetically tried to deflect
You are a disgusting fake american
Keep posting so I can keep laughing at you
You whined constantly about gas prices under Biden
And bragged constantly abot gas prices under Trump
I figured you were too much of a wuss to acknowledge good news
You pathetically tried to deflect
You are a disgusting fake american
Keep posting so I can keep laughing at you
You whined constantly about gas prices under Biden
And bragged constantly abot gas prices under Trump
I figured you were too much of a wuss to acknowledge good news
You pathetically tried to deflect
You are a disgusting fake american
Keep posting so I can keep laughing at you
According to government statistics, Gasoline prices averaged $3.261 per gallon in October this year. The lowest under Trump was $1.938 per gallon in April 2020 and the highest was $2.987 per gallon in May 2018. The lowest under Biden was $2.42/gallon in Jan. 2021 and the highest was $5.032/gallon in June 2022.

No president controls the price of gasoline. The most a president can do is release oil from the official reserves, and that does not have any real effect.
i thought you right wing mooons whine about how biden caused high gas prices. lol.
he did dumb ass they still are high 3.17 average nationally . So after almost 4 years of high prices where gas averages were as high as Most expensive weekly national average since 2018: The highest weekly gas price was $4.99 per gallon the week of Jun. 16th, 2022(2) a few days before election you find gas for 2.64 a gallon but ignore the prices the last f years.
AWWWW how cute for you . What state are you in prove it.
You whined constantly about gas prices under Biden
And bragged constantly abot gas prices under Trump
I figured you were too much of a wuss to acknowledge good news
You pathetically tried to deflect
You are a disgusting fake american
Keep posting so I can keep laughing at you
Your the fake American they way you suck up to terrorist and illegals and crime
he did dumb ass they still are high 3.17 average nationally . So after almost 4 years of high prices where gas averages were as high as Most expensive weekly national average since 2018: The highest weekly gas price was $4.99 per gallon the week of Jun. 16th, 2022(2) a few days before election you find gas for 2.64 a gallon but ignore the prices the last f years.
AWWWW how cute for you . What state are you in prove it.
3.17 is "high"? uh, not historically. duh. lol
No president controls the price of gasoline. The most a president can do is release oil from the official reserves, and that does not have any real effect.
A president can apparently, like Obama did, close down coal producers by the stroke of a pen and Biden proved he could shut down vital fuel pipelines with a similar dummass stroke of his pen.