I might vote for Jill or Kamala, or I might stay home.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Those are my three possibilities that I’m weighing come Election Day. Despite my anger I’ve displayed I have not actually damned the thought of voting for Kamala. It might be that I decide to vote for her in an instant when I get inside the booth and until then I rant on and on about the democrats. Or I might stay home George Carlin style and not give a shit about anything. It’s just a damn shame Biden is a Zionist. He really tainted Kamala’s candidacy which should be this historic celebration of race and gender. Regardless of if I vote for Kamala or not, I will still forever remember him in infamy.
Those are my three possibilities that I’m weighing come Election Day. Despite my anger I’ve displayed I have not actually damned the thought of voting for Kamala. It might be that I decide to vote for her in an instant when I get inside the booth and until then I rant on and on about the democrats. Or I might stay home George Carlin style and not give a shit about anything. It’s just a damn shame Biden is a Zionist. He really tainted Kamala’s candidacy which should be this historic celebration of race and gender. Regardless of if I vote for Kamala or not, I will still forever remember him in infamy.
Who cares what you think.
No one is interested in your ramblings.
Who cares what you think.
No one is interested in your ramblings.
Go to hell. You genocide lover. You’re irrelevant to my decisions. It’s sickens me that you’re even on the same team as me. You belong with the republicans because you’re an asshole like them.
Go to hell. You genocide lover. You’re irrelevant to my decisions. It’s sickens me that you’re even on the same team as me. You belong with the republicans because you’re an asshole like them.
Settle down cup cake.
You come here to tell us what your thinking as if half the world is waiting for it.
You so mixed up about the election of be surprised if you knew when it was.

Still sulking about apprentice terrorists getting the flick. Bibi hasn't finished with the bastards yet.
Settle down cup cake.
You come here to tell us what your thinking as if half the world is waiting for it.
You so mixed up about the election of be surprised if you knew when it was.

Still sulking about apprentice terrorists getting the flick. Bibi hasn't finished with the bastards yet.
Go be a republican. You make being a democrat look absolutely terrible. Most democrats want a ceasefire even if they’re afraid of making their candidate look bad. You have a minority view on this in that party. You’re a xenophobic *****. You don’t belong in this party at all.
The odds that Stray Bullet's vote will decide any election are infinitesimal, so I don't think we need to get upset about what he decides.

He thinks that he can personally make Netanyahu stop killing Palestinians. I fail to see how he could do this.

The reality is that the Gazans have been diddled by the Fickle Finger of Fate.
The odds that Stray Bullet's vote will decide any election are infinitesimal, so I don't think we need to get upset about what he decides.

He thinks that he can personally make Netanyahu stop killing Palestinians. I fail to see how he could do this.

The reality is that the Gazans have been diddled by the Fickle Finger of Fate.
Voting isn’t about winning. I live in Texas so voting democrat could be seen as throwing my vote away almost as much as voting for the Green Party. I’m consistent with my values and never would mock someone for having them like you do. You believe in nothing except the status quo. You don’t really care about anyone. It’s definitely best I don’t think about you two assholes if I’m going to vote for Kamala.
No one is telling you what to do, Stray.
There is nothing any American citizen could do to force Israel to stop attacking Gaza or the people of the West Bank.
Your vote will not decide any election, neither will mine.
You know this and keep ranting, you just look silly,.
No one is telling you what to do, Stray.
There is nothing any American citizen could do to force Israel to stop attacking Gaza or the people of the West Bank.
Your vote will not decide any election, neither will mine.
You know this and keep ranting, you just look silly,.
A lot of people feel this way. You may be in for a surprise. Democrats can’t afford to lose anybody. It’s a tight race. They’ll tell you that themselves. You saw all the college protests and uncommitted votes. I’d imagine this resistance is bigger than what we’ve seen even. Biden could’ve ended this war all along and that’s the truth. Your lies don’t work here. All my posts are about putting pressure on his sorry ass. The person we elected that we should be able to have our voices heard with. But he’s made clear that he works for donors. So fuck him. And every day a part of me is more than ready to say fuck Kamala too. If she loses I feel like it’d be a badge of honor that I didn’t sellout only to lose. But I’m willing to look past all this perhaps for a greater good. If a greater good even still exists. But people like you and Boris are just terrible and I’d love see Trump come up and fuck you all personally. So I’m very conflicted.
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Those are my three possibilities that I’m weighing come Election Day. Despite my anger I’ve displayed I have not actually damned the thought of voting for Kamala. It might be that I decide to vote for her in an instant when I get inside the booth and until then I rant on and on about the democrats. Or I might stay home George Carlin style and not give a shit about anything. It’s just a damn shame Biden is a Zionist. He really tainted Kamala’s candidacy which should be this historic celebration of race and gender. Regardless of if I vote for Kamala or not, I will still forever remember him in infamy.
We have discussed this a couple times. I understand you and respect your feelings about this. I just hope that come Election Day you would vote for the lesser of two evils as you see it because any other vote is likely helping the bigger evil.

Most lesser of two evil cases are say 51/49. I agree that in such case simply not voting or voting a third party candidate might send a valuable message. But this election is not like other elections. This election if any is >90-<10 lesser of two evils election. The stakes imo are too high.

Even though imo bush was a terrible president and damaged the world, we still had a democratic country after he left office. However it is very likely that if trump is in office again, we will lose democracy itself.
We have discussed this a couple times. I understand you and respect your feelings about this. I just hope that come Election Day you would vote for the lesser of two evils as you see it because any other vote is likely helping the bigger evil.

Most lesser of two evil cases are say 51/49. I agree that in such case simply not voting or voting a third party candidate might send a valuable message. But this election is not like other elections. This election if any is >90-<10 lesser of two evils election. The stakes imo are too high.

Even though imo bush was a terrible president and damaged the world, we still had a democratic country after he left office. However it is very likely that if trump is in office again, we will lose democracy itself.
You might be right and that might be what ultimately makes me vote for Kamala. We can’t help Palestine if our own country goes to hell. But at the same time both sides are being equally corrupted by the Zionists and something needs to be done about that. And how do you change politicians who have been bought out? By protesting I’d imagine. So I’ll definitely see myself kicking and screaming all the way to the voting booth at the very least because she’s being a real letdown.
You might be right and that might be what ultimately makes me vote for Kamala. We can’t help Palestine if our own country goes to hell. But at the same time both sides are being equally corrupted by the Zionists and something needs to be done about that. And how do you change politicians who have been bought out? By protesting I’d imagine. So I’ll definitely see myself kicking and screaming all the way to the voting booth at the very least because she’s being a real letdown.
i hear you.

politics is dirty. not only often you have to vote for the lesser of two evils, i can even see a Sophie's choice situation. you are forced to chose between two (perhaps equally) horrible choices: say (and this is hypothetical) vote for trump to help palestine or vote for harris to save ukraine. (in reality i think both palestine and ukraine are screwed if trump wins.)
You might be right and that might be what ultimately makes me vote for Kamala. We can’t help Palestine if our own country goes to hell. But at the same time both sides are being equally corrupted by the Zionists and something needs to be done about that. And how do you change politicians who have been bought out? By protesting I’d imagine. So I’ll definitely see myself kicking and screaming all the way to the voting booth at the very least because she’s being a real letdown.
This is interesting timing. The Pope just opined that Americans should vote for the lesser of two evils.
I watched Lara Trump sing in complete auto tune in a tribute to firefighters recently and that definitely made me want to see Trump lose. Fuck his whole family really. They’re a shit stain on the whole human race. They would betray Ukraine red wedding style.
Go be a republican. You make being a democrat look absolutely terrible. Most democrats want a ceasefire even if they’re afraid of making their candidate look bad. You have a minority view on this in that party. You’re a xenophobic *****. You don’t belong in this party at all.
You're the minority sunshine.