I Knew The Media Would Lie On Bushs Appoval Ratings


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Poll shows dip in Bush's approval ratings

Thursday, June 14, 2007 (New Delhi)
A new poll has indicated that US President George W Bush's approval ratings have continued to drop.

According to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday, Bush's rating dropped to 29 per cent, his lowest mark ever in that survey.

Bush's approval rating slid six points from 35 per cent in April, NBC said, citing a decline in support within his own Republican Party over the immigration.

According to the poll, 66 per cent of the people said that they disapproved of Bush's job performance.

The American president's popularity has been on a decline in the recent past due to the war in Iraq.

The survey also found that only 23 per cent of people approved of the job Congress was doing.

The poll of 1,008 adults conducted from Friday to Monday had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.


Remember the Terrorist target plot at JFK airport was caught by the FBI? They were caught by the Patroit act on illegfal Wiretapping that democrats want to shut down the NSA.Lets face it if Democrats one day pull the plug from illegal wiretapping by the NSA Terrorist would had succeeded blowing up JFK airport and massive loss of life would be in the hundreds of thosands of dead people.The Media would lie about the ratings.But if this was a democrat sitting president the ratings would fly if the FBI caught the terrorst in this sort of plot.Lets face it, It was Bill Clintons fault for 9-11 events cause he did nothing on the WTC attacks in 1993. He did Nothing about the US embassy bombing in somila. He did Nothing about the USS Cole attack. He was so soft on Al Queda and he had a shot to kill bin laden.The CIA had Bin Laden targeted.Clinton Failed to execute the order to kill Osama Bin Laden.As the Result 9-11 attacks happend.So it was Bill Clinton fault for not protecting the american people.But George Bush Vows to Protect american people by installing the Patroit act to get Terrorist before they can strike.
Remember the Terrorist target plot at JFK airport was caught by the FBI? They were caught by the Patroit act on illegfal Wiretapping that democrats want to shut down the NSA.Lets face it if Democrats one day pull the plug from illegal wiretapping by the NSA Terrorist would had succeeded blowing up JFK airport and massive loss of life would be in the hundreds of thosands of dead people.The Media would lie about the ratings.But if this was a democrat sitting president the ratings would fly if the FBI caught the terrorst in this sort of plot.Lets face it, It was Bill Clintons fault for 9-11 events cause he did nothing on the WTC attacks in 1993. He did Nothing about the US embassy bombing in somila. He did Nothing about the USS Cole attack. He was so soft on Al Queda and he had a shot to kill bin laden.The CIA had Bin Laden targeted.Clinton Failed to execute the order to kill Osama Bin Laden.As the Result 9-11 attacks happend.So it was Bill Clinton fault for not protecting the american people.But George Bush Vows to Protect american people by installing the Patroit act to get Terrorist before they can strike.

You need to read up on your history if you believe that 9/11 was the result of Clinton's time in office. The causes and events leading up to 9/11 stretch back for decades. Also, the JFK airport was not at risk of blowing up. The so called terrorists weren't very smart to even think that their plan would work.
You need to read up on your history if you believe that 9/11 was the result of Clinton's time in office. The causes and events leading up to 9/11 stretch back for decades.

They certainly do, but Clinton still deserves 8 years of blame. I mean, Osama himself said that Clinton's senseless withdrawl from Somalia helped him recruit terrorists more than anything else -- his famous "paper tiger" quote.

Also, the JFK airport was not at risk of blowing up. The so called terrorists weren't very smart to even think that their plan would work.

You just don't want to admit that the PATRIOT Act could work.
They certainly do, but Clinton still deserves 8 years of blame. I mean, Osama himself said that Clinton's senseless withdrawl from Somalia helped him recruit terrorists more than anything else -- his famous "paper tiger" quote.

You just don't want to admit that the PATRIOT Act could work.

As does Carter, Reagan, and Bush Sr. The bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon and our immediate withdrawal by Reagan has been cited by many terrorist organizations and Bin Laden himself as a sign of American weakness in the middle east.

As for the Patriot act, I consider it anything but that. From what I have read the surveillance of these men was done by normal means and the Patriot act played no part in it. Ever wonder how the Patriot act got signed so fast? Powerful people in Washington have been waiting for years for the right moment, had it waiting in the wings and they got it on 9/11. The Constitution and freedom be damned.
They certainly do, but Clinton still deserves 8 years of blame. I mean, Osama himself said that Clinton's senseless withdrawl from Somalia helped him recruit terrorists more than anything else -- his famous "paper tiger" quote.

You just don't want to admit that the PATRIOT Act could work.

I guess sending tens of millions of dollars of cruise missiles in an attempt to kill Osama was doing nothing. But seeing how Clinton had to rely on our renegade intelligence agencies' tactics, it should come as no surprise the attempt failed. And of course the bipartisan recommendations of dealing with terrorism that Cheney pitched in the garbage can was Clinton's fault too. This blaming Clinton for the results of the most corrupt, arrogant and inept administration in U.S. history, that Bush "leads" is wearing more than thin. Grow up.
Show me, please, pretty please where the media lied in the Bush approval ratings? Id like to see this one.
Here is another idea, instead of blaming a President whoever the President is, who didnt have anything to these terrorist acts(save your conspiracy theories I dont care)
Bill Clinton or George Bush I or II or Reagan or any American didnt cause 19 people to hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings. The terrorists did. Bill Clinton didnt cause Tim McVeigh to blow up the Murrah building. Now you can twist it anyway you want, but they didnt cause it, people who have shown they cannot function in society and have no regard for human life did it.
Lets start blaming them for thier own actions.
They certainly do, but Clinton still deserves 8 years of blame. I mean, Osama himself said that Clinton's senseless withdrawl from Somalia helped him recruit terrorists more than anything else -- his famous "paper tiger" quote.

You just don't want to admit that the PATRIOT Act could work.

Senseless withdrawal? We had no business being in Somalia in the first place. Our going there was a last ditched effort by the elder Bush to try and salvage his failing run for the Presidency. Talk about "leading" by the polls. Clinton's error was not getting the hell out immediately upon entering office.
I guess sending tens of millions of dollars of cruise missiles in an attempt to kill Osama was doing nothing. But seeing how Clinton had to rely on our renegade intelligence agencies' tactics, it should come as no surprise the attempt failed. And of course the bipartisan recommendations of dealing with terrorism that Cheney pitched in the garbage can was Clinton's fault too.

Tell me you're not referring to the time Clinton retaliated against Monica's testimony by bombing that aspirin factory?

And BTW -- it were those "renagade" tactics that gave Clinton a perfect opportunity to catch bin Laden. Too bad he (and Dick Clarke) refused to take it.

This blaming Clinton for the results of the most corrupt, arrogant and inept administration in U.S. history, that Bush "leads" is wearing more than thin. Grow up.

You weren't a very good history student were you?

Most corrupt? Well that could go to any administration (including Clinton) but most historians would put that on Grant or Harding.

Most inept? That would unquestionably be either the Buchanan or Johnson Administrations.
Senseless withdrawal? We had no business being in Somalia in the first place. Our going there was a last ditched effort by the elder Bush to try and salvage his failing run for the Presidency. Talk about "leading" by the polls. Clinton's error was not getting the hell out immediately upon entering office.

Operation Restore Hope/Provide Relief were humanitarian missions carried out by both presidents.

Then Clinton launched Gothic Serpent to catch Aidid. After Black Hawk Down occurred and 18 Americans were killed as one of their bodies was dragged through the streets of Mogadishu as the Somalian hordes cheered.

Clinton responded by calling off the hunt for Aidid and ordering our troops home against the will of the Army Rangers and DELTA Forces. Osama bin Laden later told ABC News: "The youth ... realized more than before that the American soldier was a paper tiger and after a few blows ran in defeat."

He maintains to this day that Clinton's display of weakness in 1993 is still his most useful tool in recruiting for al Qaeda.
I keep asking my wife if here job approval was below 30%, how long would she last. We need impeachment hearings, full disclosure on many issues, and hold this administration accountable for their actions. Even if you think this war is legit or not, which I do not, the way it has been carried out is damn right criminal.
I keep asking my wife if here job approval was below 30%, how long would she last.

Now we know who wears the pants in the family.

We need impeachment hearings, full disclosure on many issues, and hold this administration accountable for their actions. Even if you think this war is legit or not, which I do not, the way it has been carried out is damn right criminal.

What impeachable offense enumerated in Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution did the President commit?
Tell me you're not referring to the time Clinton retaliated against Monica's testimony by bombing that aspirin factory?

That's just sadly partisan... and it's that kind of totally unfair & unfounded attack that has the tables now turned on Bush and he's the target of. How does it feel? Obviously not so bad that you won't continue do it huh.

Clinton went after the terrorists and it was regaled by the Republicans as the movie "Wag the dog"... just trying to distract everyone from the Monica thing. I remember it well, the piling on Clinton when he really did try to go after & kill terrorists.

I'm sure you're a good person at heart. How can you say things like that? Saying that is as ludicrous as those who say Bush was behind 911. I personally think Bush is one of the worst presidents we've ever had but I still always have the fairness of mind to put down anybody who makes such ludicrous claims against The President of the United States.

OK Almighty... Clinton was such a heartless monster and cared so little for human life that he blew up buildings, killed and wounded hundreds of people with no intent to kill terrorists... just to temporarily distract the American people from his personal, private, totally legal love affair.

Man... the Republicans deserve anything they get!