Hypocritical Democrat partisan interpretation of the phrase "Fight like hell"

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Hypocritical Democrats painted Trump as evil for using the phrase "fight like hell," a long-standing popular phrase among Democrats.

Abortion Rights Groups Prepare To ‘Fight Like Hell’ In Wake Of Ginsburg's Death | HuffPost Latest News 9-18-20
Abortion Rights Groups Prepare To ‘Fight Like Hell’ In Wake Of Ginsburg's Death

"The fate of our rights, our freedoms, our health care, our bodies, our lives, and our country depend on what happens over the coming months.”

Reproductive rights advocates mourned the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, and promised to honor her by continuing the fight for safe, legal and accessible abortion care. ...

Ilyse Hogue, president of the group NARAL Pro-Choice America, told HuffPost that her organization also plans to honor Ginsburg’s legacy by continuing to fight for everything she believed in.

“We must fight like hell to prevent Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and Senate Republicans from stealing yet another Supreme Court seat,” Hogue said. ...

Old tweets show Raskin, Biden saying 'fight like hell' (nypost.com) 2-11-21
Unearthed tweets show Jamie Raskin, Joe Biden saying ‘fight like hell’

Republicans on Wednesday dug up past instances of Democratic House impeachment managers and President Biden using the words “fight” or “fight like hell” — one of the key allegations against former President Donald Trump at his Senate trial.

The Save America PAC’s “Trump War Room” tweeted a “FLASHBACK” screenshot of lead House manager Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) invoking the notion of combat to block Republican efforts to swiftly replace the late US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg following her death in September.

“The GOP rush to replace Justice Ginsburg is all about destroying the Affordable Care Act, women’s health care and reproductive freedom, and the voting rights and civil rights of the people,” Raskin tweeted at the time.

“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution.” ...

In another tweet unearthed by the Trump War Room, Raskin exhorted, “This is our Democracy–fight for it” in 2017 while calling for a probe into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. ...

A 2019 Atlantic magazine interview featured Raskin saying of Trump’s presidency, “Let’s hope for the best, be prepared for the worst, and go fight like hell for the Constitution,” the Trump War Room tweeted.

And a 2017 article reposted on his own website shows Raskin saying, “We’ve got to wake up every day and fight like hell for liberal democracy, not just in Maryland, not just in the United States, but all over the world.”

The Trump War Room also resurfaced a pair of 2017 tweets in which House manager Ted Lieu (R-Calif.) put a violent spin on former first lady Michelle Obama’s famous credo, “When they go low, we go high.”

“I like that. But I like better, ‘when they go low, we fight back,'” Lieu said in one.

House manager Joe Neguse (D-Colo.) was also revealed to have tweeted in 2018 that he was “truly humbled to have the support of such a fearless leader as we fight to take back Congress” following his endorsement by then-Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s now vice president.

During Trump’s second impeachment trial, the House managers have repeatedly cited Trump’s use of “fight” and “fight like hell” while addressing his supporters shortly before their Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol.

“President Trump used the word ‘fight’ or ‘fighting’ 20 times, including telling the crowd they needed to ‘fight like hell’ to save our democracy,” US Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.) said Wednesday afternoon.

Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee also tweeted a screengrab of then-candidate Biden discussing how his father walked upstairs to break the news that their family had to move from Pennsylvania to Delaware so he could make a living.

“That’s why I’ve spent my whole career fighting — and I will continue to fight — like hell so that no one ever has to make that walk again,” Biden tweeted in May.


Dems Lose Their Minds Over Trump Saying 'Fight Like Hell,' But Here Are All the Times They've Said It (westernjournal.com) 2-11-21

Democrats have utilized double standards for years now, but the latest one thrown out at the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump may be the most blatant. ...

“He told them to fight like hell and they brought us hell on that day,” Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland said.

There’s one glaring issue that Raskin seems to have forgotten, however — he has used the phrase “fight like hell” multiple times in his own political career.

In 2017, Raskin promised to “fight like hell” against Trump’s budget plan, claiming that it was “a sweeping attack on active & retired civil servants.” ...

— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) May 23, 2017

In that case, Raskin said he would fight like hell but did not necessarily call on anyone else to do so. He could use that excuse to claim he was not “inciting” violence.

Unfortunately, Raskin also decided to use the phrase on another occasion less than a year ago.

“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution,” he said in September, regarding Trump’s appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

With this comment, he crossed over into the territory of “incitement” by the Democrats’ own standard. He was no longer just promising that he would “fight like hell” — Raskin was calling for others to join him.

Even without the direct call to fight, Raskin’s lie, in and of itself, is inflammatory. Of course, it is not true that a president appointing a Supreme Court justice is destructive to voting rights, because presidents have been given such powers by the Constitution itself.

Yet if people believed Trump was destroying voters’ rights by the appointment, it would give them a legitimate reason to want to fight.

That lie — along with the call to “fight like hell” — could have been considered incitement just as easily as Trump’s speech on Jan. 6.

Raskin is not the only Democrat to utter the phrase “fight like hell” in the not-so-distant past. Rep. Eric Swalwell of California also used the phrase in 2019, regarding the Mueller report.

Considering that the report ended without finding any real impeachable evidence against Trump, it seems like a strange hill for Swalwell to die on.

Rep. Ted Lieu, also of California, has used the phrase multiple times in regard to “racist,” “sexist” and “anti-immigration” policies over the past five years.

Yes. I will fight like hell to oppose any anti-immigration policies.

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) November 11, 2016

Finally, President Joe Biden’s Twitter team seemed to have no issue with the phrase being utilized during Biden’s campaign in May of 2019. ...

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 21, 2019 ...

Now, I want to be perfectly clear here. I have no issue with the phrase “fight like hell” being used by any politician — because I don’t believe the phrase incites violence.

The problem lies in the double standard that Democrats are applying. If Trump should be impeached for using the phrase, why shouldn’t every Democrat who said the same words face the same condemnation?

The logical answer is that none of these people should face impeachment, including Trump. Yet for the Democrats, to admit that truth would be to admit the error of their ways — which they have no interest in doing.
Hypocritical Democrats painted Trump as evil for using the phrase "fight like hell," a long-standing popular phrase among Democrats.

Abortion Rights Groups Prepare To ‘Fight Like Hell’ In Wake Of Ginsburg's Death | HuffPost Latest News 9-18-20
Abortion Rights Groups Prepare To ‘Fight Like Hell’ In Wake Of Ginsburg's Death

"The fate of our rights, our freedoms, our health care, our bodies, our lives, and our country depend on what happens over the coming months.”

Reproductive rights advocates mourned the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, and promised to honor her by continuing the fight for safe, legal and accessible abortion care. ...

Ilyse Hogue, president of the group NARAL Pro-Choice America, told HuffPost that her organization also plans to honor Ginsburg’s legacy by continuing to fight for everything she believed in.

“We must fight like hell to prevent Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and Senate Republicans from stealing yet another Supreme Court seat,” Hogue said. ...

There’s one glaring issue that Raskin seems to have forgotten, however — he has used the phrase “fight like hell” multiple times in his own political career.

In 2017, Raskin promised to “fight like hell” against Trump’s budget plan, claiming that it was “a sweeping attack on active & retired civil servants.” ...

— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) May 23, 2017

In that case, Raskin said he would fight like hell but did not necessarily call on anyone else to do so. He could use that excuse to claim he was not “inciting” violence.

Unfortunately, Raskin also decided to use the phrase on another occasion less than a year ago.

“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution,” he said in September, regarding Trump’s appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

With this comment, he crossed over into the territory of “incitement” by the Democrats’ own standard. He was no longer just promising that he would “fight like hell” — Raskin was calling for others to join him.

Even without the direct call to fight, Raskin’s lie, in and of itself, is inflammatory. Of course, it is not true that a president appointing a Supreme Court justice is destructive to voting rights, because presidents have been given such powers by the Constitution itself.

Yet if people believed Trump was destroying voters’ rights by the appointment, it would give them a legitimate reason to want to fight.

That lie — along with the call to “fight like hell” — could have been considered incitement just as easily as Trump’s speech on Jan. 6.

Raskin is not the only Democrat to utter the phrase “fight like hell” in the not-so-distant past. Rep. Eric Swalwell of California also used the phrase in 2019, regarding the Mueller report.

Considering that the report ended without finding any real impeachable evidence against Trump, it seems like a strange hill for Swalwell to die on.

Rep. Ted Lieu, also of California, has used the phrase multiple times in regard to “racist,” “sexist” and “anti-immigration” policies over the past five years.

Yes. I will fight like hell to oppose any anti-immigration policies.

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) November 11, 2016

Finally, President Joe Biden’s Twitter team seemed to have no issue with the phrase being utilized during Biden’s campaign in May of 2019. ...

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 21, 2019 ...

Now, I want to be perfectly clear here. I have no issue with the phrase “fight like hell” being used by any politician — because I don’t believe the phrase incites violence.

The problem lies in the double standard that Democrats are applying. If Trump should be impeached for using the phrase, why shouldn’t every Democrat who said the same words face the same condemnation?

The logical answer is that none of these people should face impeachment, including Trump. Yet for the Democrats, to admit that truth would be to admit the error of their ways — which they have no interest in doing.

words are all about the context.

on jan 6, people were physically gathered on the day and place of counting the votes, and it was a "stop the steal" election, and he said to march to the capitol, and the only way to "stop the steal" was through physical violence. duh

you are a political *****. lol
words are all about the context.

on jan 6, people were physically gathered on the day and place of counting the votes, and it was a "stop the steal" election, and he said to march to the capitol, and the only way to "stop the steal" was through physical violence. duh

you are a political *****. lol
Democrats lie when they imply they are for peace when they talk of fighting like hell, while Trump is for war, according to their biased interpretation.
Democrats lie when they imply they are for peace when they talk of fighting like hell, while Trump is for war, according to their biased interpretation.
That is totally nothing to do with my post but then again you are more on
My post was about the OP. I have no idea what you think you were talking about.
It's very obvious you have no idea.

When you reply to somebody if you're not a ***** you actually reply with something relevant to his post not about a different post this is a simple concept except obviously for you
It's very obvious you have no idea.

When you reply to somebody if you're not a ***** you actually reply with something relevant to his post not about a different post this is a simple concept except obviously for you
Let me refresh your memory. Democrats talk of fighting like hell all the time but because Trump said it the hateful lawless morons are attempting to unjustly jail him for life.
Let me refresh your memory. Democrats talk of fighting like hell all the time but because Trump said it the hateful lawless morons are attempting to unjustly jail him for life.
Let me try to raise your intelligence oh wait never mind that can't happen. Go back and read my post ***** and try to answer intelligently do it but I don't think you can
Let me try to raise your intelligence oh wait never mind that can't happen. Go back and read my post ***** and try to answer intelligently do it but I don't think you can
Sorry, I must leave your past posts as I move on to serious matters.
You can comfort yourself with that nonsense if it gives you some strange sense of pleasure.
You can comfort yourself by cowardly running away from me LOL you're so stupid you don't understand that words have context to them
You can comfort yourself by cowardly running away from me LOL you're so stupid you don't understand that words have context to them
If you were younger, you might be funny. As it is. however, it looks like you are being pathetically foolish.
If you were younger, you might be funny. As it is. however, it looks like you are being pathetically foolish.
Let me know when you understand that words have context associated with them and that the same words uttered in totally different contexts can have totally different meanings and importance It looks like you are being pathetically narcotic