How's your knowledge of civics?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Civics test, and results:

Seventy-one percent of Americans fail the test, with an overall average score of 49%.

* Liberals score 49%; conservatives score 48%. Republicans score 52%; Democrats score 45%.

OK, Republicans, gloat. Your party scored 7 points higher than Democrats! (But 52% is still a failing grade, so don't gloat too much.)

* Fewer than half of all Americans can name all three branches of government, a minimal requirement for understanding America’s constitutional system.

And, they vote, or at least some of them do.

Of course, the elected officials do much better, right? Well, actually...

Officeholders typically have less civic knowledge than the general public. On average, they score 44%, five percentage points lower than non-officeholders.

How well can you do? The quiz is here. Try and see.
You answered 24 out of 33 correctly — 72.73 %

the last one I was being a smarty pants and said taxes help no one but I knew I would get that wrong :)

two of them I knew the right answers but I dont know why I clicked another button. I will do it again later and maybe get new questions.
30 of 33 for 90.91%.

I noticed that the actual civics questions were pretty straight forward. some of the economic questions could be considered matters of opinion. On those I just tried to give the pc answer.
30 of 33 for 90.91%.

I noticed that the actual civics questions were pretty straight forward. some of the economic questions could be considered matters of opinion. On those I just tried to give the pc answer.

That is what I got the second time around but some of the questions are just silly and others gosh everyone should know but it was fun
You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %

One was a stupid error. The others I didn't know.

One thing is for sure. I didn't learn any of this in public education. All the answers I knew, I learned after getting out of school. Another example of why I hate public schools so much.
You answered 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82 %

One was a stupid error. The others I didn't know.

One this is for sure. I didn't learn any of this in public education. All the answers I knew, I learned after getting out of school. Another example of why I hate public schools so much.

Im with you Andy, Nothing in that list I learned in public school. My boss who is the Principal at my school scored a bit lower than me and said he only knew one of the answers because I had told him about it in a debate we had a few weeks back. He went through all the way to the top of education, but I dont know if he knew what he did because of school or because he learned on his own. He does spend serious time researching political things so he could have learned what he did the same way as you and I.
You answered 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 %

I honestly couldn't remember where the line "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" came from - which is sad, since they had us memorize the Gettysburg Address in the fifth grade.

And I missed the last one, about government spending. Oh well.
You answered 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 %

I honestly couldn't remember where the line "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" came from - which is sad, since they had us memorize the Gettysburg Address in the fifth grade.

And I missed the last one, about government spending. Oh well.

You know, on the 'of-by-for' phrase - there are talking heads all over on the MSM, and I've heard it from elected national officials & appointees, referencing this phrase to either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.

Dismaying it may be, but our elected officials scored in a lower percentile than the general public according to the websites' information. Does this give new meaning to the 'blind leading the blind'?
You know, on the 'of-by-for' phrase - there are talking heads all over on the MSM, and I've heard it from elected national officials & appointees, referencing this phrase to either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.

Dismaying it may be, but our elected officials scored in a lower percentile than the general public according to the websites' information. Does this give new meaning to the 'blind leading the blind'?

Everyone knows, or should know, that politics is no longer about being intelligent or knowledgeable about any topic. It's about who looks good, who speaks well, who says the catch phrases "Hope and Change". Like the clip from Howard Stern, the voting public didn't even know what Obama stood for, yet they were all for him. Point? You don't have to know jack to come across like the coming messiah, and get people to vote for you.

Look at Al Gore. He flunked out of divinity school, and claimed he inspired Love Story, and had anything at all to do with creating the internet. Yet he gained the popular vote! Stupid people voting for stupid people.
Everyone knows, or should know, that politics is no longer about being intelligent or knowledgeable about any topic. It's about who looks good, who speaks well, who says the catch phrases "Hope and Change". Like the clip from Howard Stern, the voting public didn't even know what Obama stood for, yet they were all for him. Point? You don't have to know jack to come across like the coming messiah, and get people to vote for you.

Look at Al Gore. He flunked out of divinity school, and claimed he inspired Love Story, and had anything at all to do with creating the internet. Yet he gained the popular vote! Stupid people voting for stupid people.

Yes, if everyone simply had the brains to vote Republican every time, we'd have much smarter people in office, right?
You answered 28 out of 33 correctly — 84.84 %

Three branches: bureaucratic, military, industry :p I think that's the most accurate.