How the democrat plan to defund the police that Kamala supported created the multiple million dollar BLM scam

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Democrats are infamous for misappropriating money from investors, from donors, and especially from the US government.

How BLM Blew $90 Million. Plus. . .

A lot can change in four years. Just ask Kamala Harris, who’s walked back various 2019 policies such as a fracking ban and support for Medicare for All. Now she’s boasting about owning a Glock. Meanwhile, Democrats have forgotten they ever uttered the words “defund the police.” But perhaps the most vivid example of how we’re not in 2020 anymore—and that the vibes have most definitely shifted—is the fall of Black Lives Matter. In 2020, after George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police, the movement took on quasi-religious status, with chapters raising $90 million in one year. Today, the BLM brand is widely recognized as a scam that lost $6.2 million in the last fiscal year.
Quote the specific plan she supported to defund the police
I doubt you will
You are a right wing monkey flinging words you are clueless about
Quote the specific plan she supported to defund the police
I doubt you will
You are a right wing monkey flinging words you are clueless about
Kamala does not give specifics but nobody can disprove her support for the BLM plan for replacing traditional police officers with some other idea.
There was no "million dollar BLM scam".
Police are not qualified to deal with crazy people, and because they are not, many innocent crazy people have been shot by cops.

Preference in hiring cops is given to people with military service. Many have been in situations in Iraq and elsewhere in which they could bust down doors and shoot anything that moved and they were immune from any punishment.
