How much is the bailout, again?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
A hundred dollar bill weighs one gram. I got that factoid from the internet, and you can too if you're interested.

One thousand grams is a kilogram, and a thousand kilograms is a metric ton. See how easy the metric system is? A thousand thousands, of course, is a million.

A ton of hundred dollar bills, then, is worth $100 million, and a thousand tons is $100 billion.

The first bail out was around $700 billion, or seven thousand tons of hundred dollar bills.

The next one, still proposed, is another eight thousand tons of hundred dollar bills, give or take.

That makes 15 thousand tons of hundreds, enough to fill 1,500 ten ton dump trucks.

How can I get the government to dump even one of those 1,500 truckloads on my lawn? If I had ten tons of hundred dollar bills, I'm pretty sure I could weather the recession. I don't want a bail out, you understand. I want a dump out.

When the fed takes a dump, everyone sits up and takes notice.
Wow. That is some mad math skills. It is also a great way to get people to realize how much money this really is.
a hundred dollar bill weighs one gram. I got that factoid from the internet, and you can too if you're interested.

One thousand grams is a kilogram, and a thousand kilograms is a metric ton. See how easy the metric system is? A thousand thousands, of course, is a million.

A ton of hundred dollar bills, then, is worth $100 million, and a thousand tons is $100 billion.

The first bail out was around $700 billion, or seven thousand tons of hundred dollar bills.

The next one, still proposed, is another eight thousand tons of hundred dollar bills, give or take.

That makes 15 thousand tons of hundreds, enough to fill 1,500 ten ton dump trucks.

How can i get the government to dump even one of those 1,500 truckloads on my lawn? If i had ten tons of hundred dollar bills, i'm pretty sure i could weather the recession. I don't want a bail out, you understand. I want a dump out.

When the fed takes a dump, everyone sits up and takes notice.

funny way to look at it... :d
So when democrats solely take a dump, it's heavier than a bipartisan dump...

That explains the smell...

Since the first seven thousand tons of hundreds were dumped during the Bush Administration, and the next eight, still to be dumped, are Obama's baby, then I suppose this is one monumental bi partisan dump.
Since the first seven thousand tons of hundreds were dumped during the Bush Administration, and the next eight, still to be dumped, are Obama's baby, then I suppose this is one monumental bi partisan dump.

The first 7k tons was bipartisan, the 8k will be mostly dems
The first 7k tons was bipartisan, the 8k will be mostly dems

Yes, it will. Of course, there aren't very many Republicans left in Washington, so pretty much every decision made between now and the next election will be made by mostly Dems.

And, should the economy turn around, whether or not the cause and effect relationship between that happy result and the stimulus package can be established, there will likely be even fewer Republicans after the election.

No wonder Limbaugh wants Obama to fail. If he succeeds, or even if it appears that he has succeeded in improving the economic situation, then Republicans will become an endangered species, just like the ivory billed woodpecker and the fiscal conservative.

I heard that there was another unconfirmed sighting of an ivory billed woodpecker, or was that a Washington conservative? Sometimes, I get the two mixed up.
A hundred dollar bill weighs one gram. I got that factoid from the internet, and you can too if you're interested.

One thousand grams is a kilogram, and a thousand kilograms is a metric ton. See how easy the metric system is? A thousand thousands, of course, is a million.

A ton of hundred dollar bills, then, is worth $100 million, and a thousand tons is $100 billion.

The first bail out was around $700 billion, or seven thousand tons of hundred dollar bills.

The next one, still proposed, is another eight thousand tons of hundred dollar bills, give or take.

That makes 15 thousand tons of hundreds, enough to fill 1,500 ten ton dump trucks.

How can I get the government to dump even one of those 1,500 truckloads on my lawn? If I had ten tons of hundred dollar bills, I'm pretty sure I could weather the recession. I don't want a bail out, you understand. I want a dump out.

When the fed takes a dump, everyone sits up and takes notice.

now how much would what we have spent in Iraq to find WMD ,,,or should I say not find it...weigh? How much does the defence budget weigh more then the next 2 nations combined?

also the cost is not the cost, as if you spend money and it brings in money, ( IE from more taxes from better econ...its not a loss. Its like saying a company lost money for adverting...even if it increased sales ...and ignoring the increase in sales as part of figuring out the real cost.
now how much would what we have spent in Iraq to find WMD ,,,or should I say not find it...weigh? How much does the defence budget weigh more then the next 2 nations combined?

also the cost is not the cost, as if you spend money and it brings in money, ( IE from more taxes from better econ...its not a loss. Its like saying a company lost money for adverting...even if it increased sales ...and ignoring the increase in sales as part of figuring out the real cost.

Back in 03, when my community started working on getting some serious renovations done to our school that was built before statehood in 1959, we did the math, that from just the initial money spent on 30 days worth of invasion, that if we could dedicate just a single minute worth of that spending that not only could we fix the problems in the building, but could outfit each student grades 6-12 with a then state of the art laptop computer.
now how much would what we have spent in Iraq to find WMD ,,,or should I say not find it...weigh? How much does the defence budget weigh more then the next 2 nations combined?

also the cost is not the cost, as if you spend money and it brings in money, ( IE from more taxes from better econ...its not a loss. Its like saying a company lost money for adverting...even if it increased sales ...and ignoring the increase in sales as part of figuring out the real cost.

Well the cost of trying to find WMDs was less than about $200 Billion. So the cost was 1/4th what the Overspend Obama's stimulus bill, or two thousand tons.
Well the cost of trying to find WMDs was less than about $200 Billion. So the cost was 1/4th what the Overspend Obama's stimulus bill, or two thousand tons.

Two hundred dump trucks full of hundreds is just the down payment on the war. Once you factor in all of the direct and indirect costs, financial costs that is, not counting the human costs, the total is much more.

The estimates run from two to over 4 trillion.

So, if you take a good middle estimate of three trillion, then you have three thousand dump trucks full of hundreds, or about double the two bailouts made so far. Not only that, but most of that money went out of the country, and so did nothing to improve the domestic economy.

So, between the war and the bailouts, the government has blown 4,500 dump trucks full of hundred dollar bills, and not dumped even one of them on my lawn.

Could I please have just one, just one little ten ton truck full of hundred dollar bills? I wouldn't ask for anything else ever again.