I really do not think people are pro war that's some kind of liberal made up shat . There is a time and place when we have been forced into war . We also make treaties with other nations . No one wants war except black and white racist Musli radicals like in Gaza and Iran and revolutionary's.
Hate to tell you but most wars from the turn of the century tend to be where we were attacked and had to defend our self's and bring the Terriots to justice or to help others such as when we fought the nazis and commies to Muslim groups and others.
Today we are involved in Israel because of a Terriots attack and Yemen's involvement attacking commercial shipping. No one wants war but at some time we have to stand up to tyrants and dictators and terrorist groups cartels.
Now all that being said,
No there is a big difference between a unborn child and deaths of people from the above mentioned.
Now when unborn infants start carrying ak 47s and blowing up buildings and committing Terriots attacks let me know , then on that day I will change my views on abortion .
Which by the way is its ok when a women's life is endangered, or the child will be born with deformities or mental issues rape and incest.
Because your to stupid to use contraceptive's or abstain till you have access to them is not an excuse to get an abortion , its called stupidity.