how can republicans still believe the "stolen election" nonsense?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
Two YEARS credible evidence. (if there were, for example, fox news would have run it 24x7, but of course they didn't because it doesn't exist).

DHS, DOJ said no fraud.

states certified the election.

The courts reviewed the "evidence" and threw out the cases.

Its just amazing that people can convince themselves of something in the face of all that, but no one ever accused republicans of being bright!

I know its hard to believe when you had such legal "minds" and "analysis" like the following:

The affidavit was as part of a larger lawsuit actually filed in Georgia by pro-Trump and conservative attorney L. Lin Wood that sought to discredit that state's election results by pointing to alleged discrepancies and problems with Dominion Voting Systems.
  • The affidavit was filed by a Texas cybersecurity expert named Russell Ramsland and laid out a number of "statistical anomalies and red flags" that showed Michigan's election results were "manipulated" because the number of votes cast in 19 precincts exceeded the number of registered voters.
  • But the 19 precincts Ramsland listed were in Minnesota, not Michigan. In other words, he "was counting the population of towns in Minnesota, seeing they did not match Michigan towns, and finding fraud," Fleischman wrote.
When we checked data from the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, we found no support for the affidavit’s conclusions. In the five townships cited as having the largest number of over-votes, the number of votes on Election Day was smaller than the number of registered voters

ramsland then "fixed" his affidavit and still screwed it up. lol

"The actual turnout statistics reveal the inaccuracy of Ramsland’s numbers. His figure for North Muskegon is off by a factor of 10: The actual number is 78.11%, not 781.91%. For Zeeland Charter Township, he inflated the turnout nearly sixfold. For Grout Township and the City of Muskegon, his number is more than triple the correct number."

This is stuff a high school student could do correctly, yet the right wing's "best and brightest" failed not just once, but twice, in a high profile case, and none of the trump lawyers could figure it out either. lol
if I were a lawyer with any sense of self respect, and some consultant showed up with a report that claimed that EIGHT TIMES as many votes as votes was recorded somewhere, the FIRST thing i'd do is check that number out. It would only take 10 minutes to do, because if its true, then that is HUGE NEWS for my case about voter fraud. And if it isn't true, then I know the report is BS. This is an elementary kind of thing to do, its taught all the time...if something looks really weird, make sure it truly is weird before you proclaim it is.

of course, the "analyst" should have done the same thing, but he was a deep state trump *****, so they were happy to see something that "proved" they were right.

but the incompetent trump lawyers just said "cool" and went on their merry way. lol
if I were a lawyer with any sense of self respect, and some consultant showed up with a report that claimed that EIGHT TIMES as many votes as votes was recorded somewhere, the FIRST thing i'd do is check that number out. It would only take 10 minutes to do, because if its true, then that is HUGE NEWS for my case about voter fraud. And if it isn't true, then I know the report is BS. This is an elementary kind of thing to do, its taught all the time...if something looks really weird, make sure it truly is weird before you proclaim it is.

of course, the "analyst" should have done the same thing, but he was a deep state trump *****, so they were happy to see something that "proved" they were right.

but the incompetent trump lawyers just said "cool" and went on their merry way. lol
Dont you love how when facts are shown the silence is deafening. All the low iq trumpoids run for cover and imply they didn't see your post.
Not a word in defence of the greatest con in American history and they supported the architect.