Horrific evidence of unjust democrat cruel and unusual imprisonment of Trump supporters.

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Lying, looting, brick-throwing at cops, leftist democrats have brutally persecuted thousands of Trump supporters on twisted interpretations of misdemeanor laws the SCOTUS has now revealed were unconstitutional. May God curse the fiends and their atrocious crimes.

https://www.washingtontimes.com/new...shnotify&utm_medium=subscriber&utm_id=desktop 7-29-24

‘Reduced to a pulse’: Jan. 6 defendant recounts prison treatment, DOJ’s overreach
Trump is a con man, he has ALWAYS been a con man,and he is now a convicted criminal and belongs in prison.
Trump is a con man, he has ALWAYS been a con man,and he is now a convicted criminal and belongs in prison.
Trump has been judged by lawless leftist savages, found guilty in one of their corrupt courts, and is now beeing gleefully condemned by leftist tribal morons like Kackling Kamala.
Trump has been judged by lawless leftist savages, found guilty in one of their corrupt courts, and is now beeing gleefully condemned by leftist tribal morons like Kackling Kamala.
Kackling kamala?
That's the new catch phrase? Is that the best you've got?

Your real problem is you know Trump has a real live opponent and his silly jibes won't affect her in the least.
Kackling kamala?
That's the new catch phrase? Is that the best you've got?

Your real problem is you know Trump has a real live opponent and his silly jibes won't affect her in the least.
Trump does have an opponent in the laughing hyena who refuses to debate him.
Show me where she said she refused to debate him? Perhaps this might ease the pain in your head.

Kackles did not say she would not debate President Trump, she just proves by her actions that she will not face Trump in debate, hoping the fraudulent votes cast by her supporters will put her over the top in 2024 just like leftist crooks put Biden over the top in 2020.
Kackles did not say she would not debate President Trump, she just proves by her actions that she will not face Trump in debate, hoping the fraudulent votes cast by her supporters will put her over the top in 2024 just like leftist crooks put Biden over the top in 2020.

This is what you said.

Trump does have an opponent in the laughing hyena "who refuses to debate him."

Would you like to retract that lie?
I will apologize if and when Kamala debates Trump on stage.
On Monday evening, Trump told Fox News that he would “probably” end up debating Harris but said he could also “make the case for not doing it” – a slightly different approach to participating in the customary televised event than the one he had with President Joe Biden.

God Republicans live their pssy convicted felons lol
Trump hasn't agreed to debate her
She can't debate a pssy who cowardly won't debate her lol
God you are stupid lol
So that's how she wants to spin it? Biden did the same thing by dodging Trump's rchallenge to a debate until he finally agreed, dishonestly claiming it was Trump who feared the prospect of debating him and not the other way around. Poor Joe. He should have stuck with his claim that trump refused to debate him because he was scared. Leftist stupidites like lies like that.
So that's how she wants to spin it? Biden did the same thing by dodging Trump's rchallenge to a debate until he finally agreed, dishonestly claiming it was Trump who feared the prospect of debating him and not the other way around. Poor Joe. He should have stuck with his claim that trump refused to debate him because he was scared. Leftist stupidites like lies like that.
That's history now. There's a new kid in town and she won't be backing down from Trump.