Holocaust? What holocaust?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
Please feel free to review the following information, the get back to me, yes? I will do the usual 'I told you so's' later.

1) Why did Elie Wiesel and countless other Jews survive the Holocaust
if it was the intention of the Third Reich to eliminate every Jew they
got there hands on? Elie was a prisoner for several years; other Jews
survived even longer. Most of these ''survivors'' were ordinary
people who did not have any unique expertise that the Germans could
have exploited for their war effort. There was no logical reason for
them to be kept alive. The very existence of more than a million
survivors even today, some sixty years later, contradicts one of the
basic components of the holocaust i.e. that the Germans had a policy to
eliminate every Jew they got their hands on.

2) Why is their no mention of the Holocaust in Churchill's six volume
History of the Second World War or the wartime memoirs of either De
Gaulle or Eisenhower or any of the other lesser luminaries who wrote
about the Second World War. Keep in mind all these were written years
after the war ended and thus after the holocaust had been allegedly
proven by the Nuremberg Trials? With regard to the Holocaust, the
silence of these " cognoscenti " is deafening!

3) What was an inmate infirmary (and a brothel) doing in Auschwitz if
in fact it was a death camp?

4) Why would the Germans round up Jews from their far flung empire,
thereby tying up large numbers of personnel and rolling stock, while
fighting a world war on two fronts to deliver people to ''death
camps'' hundreds of miles away who were then executed upon
arrival...wouldn't a bullet on the spot have appealed to legendary
German sense of efficiency?

5) Why after sixty years have historians been unable to come up with a
single German document that points to a holocaust? Should we believe
the likes of Raul Hilburg that in the place of written orders there was
an "incredible meeting of the minds" by the literally tens of
thousands of people who would have had to coordinate their actions in
order to carry out an undertaking of this magnitude.

6) How come it is still insisted upon that six million Jews were killed
when the official Jewish death toll at Auschwitz, the flagship of the
Holocaust gulag, has been reduced from an immediate post war figure of
3 million, to a figure of somewhat less than one million? Why do many
respond to this observation by saying, " what's the difference
whether it's six million or one million''. The answer is that the
difference is five million. Another difference is that saying so can
get you three years in an Austrian jail...just ask David Irving!

7) All of Germany's wartime codes were compromised including the one
used to send daily reports from Auschwitz to Berlin. The transcripts of
these messages make no mention of mass executions or even remotely
suggest a genocidal program in progress. Furthermore it has been
insisted that the Germans used a kind of euphemistic code when
discussing their extermination program of the Jews e.g. final solution,
special treatment, resettlement, etc. Why was it necessary for them to
use such coded euphemisms when talking to one another unless they
thought their codes had been cracked by the Allies?

Cool The water table at Auschwitz lies a mere 18 inches below the surface
which makes claims of huge burning pits for the disposal of tens of
thousands of victims untenable.

9) Initially claims were made that mass executions in homicidal gas
chambers had taken place in camps located within the boundaries of the
old Reich e.g. Dachau, Bergen-Belsen. ''Evidence'' to that
effect was every bit as compelling as what was offered for other camps,
located in occupied Poland, yet without explanation in the early
sixties we were told that this was not the case and that all the
''death camps'' were located in the East i.e. Poland outside
(some would say conveniently) of the probing eyes of western scholars.

10) No one has been able to reconcile the eyewitness accounts that
personnel entered the gas chambers after twenty minutes without any
protective gear and the fact that Zyclon B was a "time release"
fumigant that would have had a lethal capability for at least another
twenty-four hours. And that even after twenty-four hours the corpses
would have themselves remained sufficiently contaminated by the
hydrogen cyanide gas that they would have had the capacity to kill
anyone who touched them who were not wearing protective gear.

11) Why do we no longer hear claims that the Germans manufactured soap,
lamp shades and riding britches from the bodies of dead Jews...could it
be that in the light of modern forensics and DNA knowledge these claims
are totally untenable?

12) Why do we no longer hear claims that huge numbers of Jews were
exterminated in massive steam chambers or electrocuted on special
grids...''evidence'' of this was presented at
Nuremberg...evidence that sent men to the gallows.

14) Elie Wiesel has been described as "the Apostle of Remembrance"
yet in his memoir, ''Night'' which deals his stay at Auschwitz
he makes no mention of the now infamous homicidal gas chambers. Isn't
this a bit like one of the Gospels making no mention of the Cross?

15) Virtually every survivor who was examined at Auschwitz says that he
or she was examined by the infamous Dr. Mengele.

16) According to survivor testimony, hundreds of thousands of Jews were
executed at Treblinka and then buried in mass graves in the surrounding
area. Why is it that extensive sonar probing of these burial grounds
reveals that this alleged final resting place for Holocaust victims has
remained undisturbed since at least the last ice age?

17) ''Proof'' of the holocaust rest primarily on survivor
testimony; there little if any hard evidence. The best of this has been
described by Jean Claude Pressac as merely ''criminal traces''.
Even Judge Grey who presided at the Irving-Lipstadt Trial commented
that he was surprised the evidence pointing to the Holocaust was
''extremely thin''. To paraphrase Arthur Butz, ''a crime of
this magnitude would have left a mountain of evidence''...where is
it? There was more hard evidence against OJ Simpson at his trial and he

18) Why has Holocaust Revisionism been criminalized in at least eleven
countries...what other historic truth needs the threat of prison or the
destruction of one's career to maintain itself. Should someone be sent
to prison for expressing skepticism about the official Chinese claim
that they suffered thirty-five million dead in World War II.

19) Why do the court historians insist that "denying the Holocaust"
is like denying slavery or saying the earth is flat when it is nothing
of the sort. The leading Revisionists are first rate scholars who hold
advanced degrees from the world's leading universities. Is there anyone
comparable among those who say the world is flat or that slavery never

20) Promoters of the Holocaust have expressed concerns about the
remembering the holocaust once the last survivors die. Why haven't
Civil War historians expressed similar concerns since the last survivor
of that conflict died in 1959.

21) Survivors of the holocaust have testified that smoke billowed from
the crematoriums as they consumed the bodies of murdered victims...some
eyewitnesses even claimed they could detect national origins by the
color of the smoke. How can this be reconciled with the fact that
properly operating crematoriums do not produce smoke of any color?

22) According to the official version of the Holocaust hundreds of
thousands of Hungarian Jews were rounded up in mid 1944 and sent to
Auschwitz where most were gassed immediately upon arrival and their
bodies were disposed of by burning in huge open air pits using railroad
ties and gasoline. Why is that there is no evidence of these huge
funerary pyres in the high resolution surveillance photos taken by
Allied aircraft who were over flying the camp on a daily basis during
this time period. Furthermore, why have no remains been found, since
open pit burning, even when gasoline is used, generates insufficient
heat to totally consume a body?

23) All of the liberated camps were littered with corpses; is there a
single autopsy report or any other forensic evidence that shows that
even a single one of these deaths was a consequence of poison gas?

24) The death toll for the Holocaust relies exclusively on population
statistics provided by Jewish sources; has any independent demographic
study been produced that shows that approximately six million Jews were
"missing" at the end of the war.

25) Why do the wartime inspection reports of camps made by the
International Red Cross contain no references to mass executions...it
strains credulity that such monumental crimes could be hidden. The only
explanations are that either these crimes were not occurring or that
the Red Cross was complicit in a cover up.

26) Why has there been no effort to respond to the Leuchter Report?

27) "The Holocaust was technologically possible because it happened
". Why is this intellectually bankrupt argument, which turns
scholarship on its head, considered by the promoters of the Holocaust
as historical truth, considered a sufficient response to the mounting
Revisionist evidence to the contrary?

28) What other historical truths rely to the extent that the holocaust
does on so-called "eye witness" testimony...and why have none of
these witnesses ever been cross examined?

29) According to the official version of the Holocaust, the Jews
remained ignorant of their fate until the very end so skillful were
their Nazis murderers in deceiving their victims. How can this
ignorance be reconciled with the fact that the Jews have historically
been as a group, the most literate and highly informed people on the
planet with legendary access to the highest echelons of government.
I would suggest ANYONE look up the Leuchter Report, based upon studies by top scientists.
I will try to look all this stuff up. You gave a lot of information.

In other threads we talked last night and you agreed that there were camps and there were Jews in the camps. But you disagreed on the number or that they were the only one in the camps. I think you are probably right about the numbers and of course you are right that more than just Jews were in the camps.

One quick question

How many would have to die in camps for you to consider it a holocaust?
Aushwitz changes their numbers...



HOLOHOAX MATHEMATICS :- 6,000,000 - 2,500,000 = 6,000,000

WTF? Even the Jews are changing the magical 6 million number. Proof the Holocaust is a lie.

Why do the Jews own figures for their total European population pre and post Holohoax not show a fall in numbers ?

How can the 'confessions' from the Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal be regarded as authentic when according to Allied doctors who examined the German prisoners many of them had been tortured ?

How can confessions which state that Jews were variously steamed to death, gassed by non poisonous diesel exhaust fumes,beaten to death by pedal powered clubbing machines, electrocuted 25,000 at a time on giant metal plates and vaporised by a 'death ray' be regarded as evidence?

Why is the confession of the Auschwitz camp commandant written in English, a language he did not understand, and why are the pages spattered with blood?

How could the Germans have gassed one million jews at Auschwitz in 'chambers' which could never have functioned? Why would these chambers be designed so that they would have discharged highly explosive and toxic Hydrocyanic gas right under the naked flames of the camp crematoria and next to the commandants quarters? Did the Germans wish to poison themselves and blow the entire camp apart?

Why did the Simon Wiesenthal Centre exhibit a photograph on its website showing smoke coming from a 'crematorium' which was in fact airbrushed on and was coming not from a chimney but a fence post?

Why do 'survivors' claim to have seen smoke and flames and ashes issuing from crematorium chimneys night and day when reconnaissance photos show no smoke at all and the blueprints of the crematoria show that the chimneys were fitted with flame and smoke traps?

If there was a Concentration Camp at Treblinka where 850,000 Jews were killed then why does it not appear on wartime recconaissance photos - and why has a ground penetrating radar survey of the site revealed no foundations, no evidence of buildings and no bodies?

How did the Germans dispose of 1.1 million corpses at Auschwitz? The crematoria did not have anything like the capacity to dispose of this number.The alternative story of burning bodies in pits would have required so much petrol that the entire German war effort would have been paralysed. So how WERE the bodies disposed of?

How can 'eyewitness' tales of Jewish prisoners working as 'Sonderkommando' dragging bodies from the 'gas chambers' be true ? None of these stories mention gas masks and some even say the Sonderkommando were smoking cigarettes IN A CHAMBER FULL OF EXPLOSIVE POISONOUS GAS.

Why are so many 'survivors' tales, kept in museum archives, unavailable for public view?

If it is true that the Germans lined tens of thousands of Jews against what is called the 'shooting wall' at Auschwitz and blew their brains out then why can you visit this wall today and see for yourself that there are no bullet holes in it?

Sure the Jews were singled out to be removed from German life and deported, and sure, some of them died from disease and starvation when Allied bombing had wrecked Germany's infrastructure, but that does not constitute a crime - the JEW declared war first!

I will try to look all this stuff up. You gave a lot of information.

In other threads we talked last night and you agreed that there were camps and there were Jews in the camps. But you disagreed on the number or that they were the only one in the camps. I think you are probably right about the numbers and of course you are right that more than just Jews were in the camps.

One quick question

How many would have to die in camps for you to consider it a holocaust?

6 million, exactly as the world claims. The world claims 6 million Jews were killed, therefore we have a Holocaust. I am merely following their own logic. Anything less is no Holocaust. How many Iraqis have been killed in the war? How many people were killed in WWII? Why is THIS not a Holocaust? Far more people were killed fighting the war than Jews were killed, yet only the Jews matter. Why? Those who question the number of Russian dead are not jailed. Those who question the number of Chinese killed under Mao are never jailed, but anyone who questions the Holocaust is looking at 3 years in jail. WHY?
6 million, exactly as the world claims. The world claims 6 million Jews were killed, therefore we have a Holocaust. I am merely following their own logic. Anything less is no Holocaust. How many Iraqis have been killed in the war? How many people were killed in WWII? Why is THIS not a Holocaust? Far more people were killed fighting the war than Jews were killed, yet only the Jews matter. Why? Those who question the number of Russian dead are not jailed. Those who question the number of Chinese killed under Mao are never jailed, but anyone who questions the Holocaust is looking at 3 years in jail. WHY?

3 years in jail for questioning the number of dead? HUH? Where is that happening?

Strange thing is, I saw some clip art a few weeks ago saying much the same but I never heard of anyone going to jail for questioning how many Jews died in WW2

I guess other things should be called a holocaust too.
A lie.

The fact is, the Holocaust is about money, legitimacy for Israel, and the total denial of any moral failings (or evilness) in the Jewish people. Jews are outraged when it is mentioned that many gypsies and Russians suffered the same fate as Jews, because to compare a sub‑human to a Jew is unspeakable. The Jewish scripture declares that the life of a Jew is the most priceless thing to "god" and the life of a non‑Jew or "goy" is worthless. The Jews have a history of crying "holocaust."

The Talmud cites examples of many billions of Jews being killed (including children being burned). Needless to say, there have never been that many Jews on the face of the earth. The same falsification and embellishment is true with regard to the "holocaust" of World War II. Many Jews died, but not the six million that is claimed. Perhaps a million died, none from gas chambers. Red Cross documentation which Jewish controllers refuse to release, is suspected of suggesting that some 100,000 were lost.

As historian David Irving and many others have rightly observed, there never were gas chambers at the concentration camps. And, it would have been impossible for the Germans to have gassed and then burned 12,000 Jews every day. Reports by concentration camp survivors that tell of the guards going into "gas chambers" as soon as one batch of Jews had been killed, clearing out the bodies, and then filling the room again are patently false ‑ the guards (none of whom was reported to have worn a mask) would have instantly died, since cyanide does not dissipate or disappear in a few minutes.

Jewish bankers funded the Nazis, and the Zionists fiercely pressured Western nations to keep Jews from being able to leave Germany before the war began. For perverse political and economic reasons, the Zionists did not want the Jews to go to free nations, but rather had the single‑minded objective of claiming Palestine as the Jewish state. Because they could not force the creation of Israel before the war, they readily sacrificed the lives of their "lesser brethren" for the "greater cause": Israel.

There are many people who hold that all major wars in the last few centuries have been instigated by, funded by, and profited by, the Zionist international bankers.

* First, they instigate wars.

* Then, during the war, they loan huge sums of money, and make enormous profits in their military‑industrial production.

* After the war, they buy up property and industry at pennies on the dollar in the loser nations.

This policy of economic conquest is not only a factor in war; it is how the everyday economy operates, worldwide, today.

* The Zionists control the economies, governments, and agreements/conflicts between major nations.

* They control the daily economy, inflation, and deflation.

* They engaged in economic war in creating the Great Depression in the US, in which they obtained vast amounts of property and business by foreclosing on mortgages and debt.

* And, they have plundered the resources of Third World nations, via the issuance of debt (loans) which cannot be paid back due to usurious interest rates.

We need to understand that nothing in this world "just happens," especially not global events. Everything has a reason and a purpose behind it. There are forces that control all that happens in this world, and there is an unseen "shadow government." It uses the masses or "sheep" as cannon fodder during war, and to gain sympathy and financial aid.

We are told that we cannot forget the Holocaust, though we dismiss all other genocide that has occurred to all other racial groups throughout history. Why is that?

* Why is there no public relations action to memorialize the millions of Whites who were slaughtered in the slave business;

* Wy is there no mention of the millions of Cambodians ‑ nearly half their population ‑ who were slaughtered by Pol Pot; or the twenty million Russians killed in World War II?

* Why is it that what happens to these other groups doesn't seem to matter? For the answer, we need to only look to Jewish propaganda and scriptural dogma: the life of a Jew matters, only a Jew is a human being; the non‑Jews do not matter, their lives are worthless. The media are controlled by the Zionists, and because most of them are Jewish they are greatly invested in the story of the Jews. They readily promote fiction over fact, the lie over the truth in all other areas, so why not in this area ‑ in which they have such strong emotional and financial interest?

Contradicting the Holocaust lies is illegal in some countries (called an act of racial hatred and vilification, defaming the dead, and anti‑Semitism). The media quickly label any less than glorifying truth about the Jews as anti‑Semitism. And, this, more than anything, has given the evil Zionists the greatest cover and freedom from public scrutiny.
3 years in jail for questioning the number of dead? HUH? Where is that happening?

Strange thing is, I saw some clip art a few weeks ago saying much the same but I never heard of anyone going to jail for questioning how many Jews died in WW2

I guess other things should be called a holocaust too.

Ernst Zundel sentenced to 5 years for Holocaust denial
Last Updated: Thursday, February 15, 2007 | 8:58 AM ET
CBC News

A German court on Thursday convicted Ernst Zundel of 14 counts of incitement of racial hatred and sentenced him to five years in prison, the maximum allowed under German law for denying the Holocaust.

Ernst Zundel, pictured in a German courtroom at the beginning of his trial in 2005, has received the maximum sentence for incitement of racial hatred.Ernst Zundel, pictured in a German courtroom at the beginning of his trial in 2005, has received the maximum sentence for incitement of racial hatred.
(Michael Probst/Associated Press)

The Canadian Jewish Congress said it is satisfied with the sentence, with chief executive Bernie Farber saying it sends a strong message around the world. THE MESSAGE BEING 'DON'T QUESTION THE ****KING HOLOCAUST! WE DON'T WANT ANYONE KNOWING THE TRUTH!'

The German-born Zundel lived in Canada for four decades, making frequent court appearances to argue for the freedom to express his anti-Semitic views in books and pamphlets, and on a website.

He was deported to Germany in 2005 after a Federal Court judge ruled he was a threat to national security.

He was immediately arrested upon arrival in his birth country and held without bail because German authorities considered him a flight risk.

In several European countries, including Germany, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Spain and France, Holocaust denial is a specific criminal offence. In Canada, Holocaust denial can be prosecuted as a hate crime.

In the closing statement at his trial, Zundel continued to deny the killing of six million Jews and said the German court should set up an international commission of experts to examine the Holocaust

A well-known Holocaust denier, Zundel operated a Nazi propaganda publishing house from Canada and wrote for a website that espoused anti-Jewish sentiments and questioned whether six million Jews had died in the Holocaust.

The author of such works as The Hitler We Love and Why, Zundel had been held in solitary confinement for two years in a Toronto jail under a national security certificate before being deported.

In 2005, a Federal Court ruling that Zundel was a threat to national security because of his connection with white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups paved the way to his extradition.

This man was in my city for a few years, but we extradited him for DARING to question the Holocaust. Any more questions?
WHY? Go ahead, tell everyone WHY no one has heard of this.

Probably more because they don't teach it in our STATE-RUN schools...

There are probably a lot of lessons that the American people could learn from it, though, if they weren't too busy watching American Idol.
Probably more because they don't teach it in our STATE-RUN schools...

There are probably a lot of lessons that the American people could learn from it though if they weren't too busy watching American Idol.

That is just flat sad.

It said part of why it happened was the government forcing large farms. Is not that the way the states are heading, hell and the government is not letting many of those farms have water due to a damn shmelt!