Hollywood & Politics


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Now you know their roles in the movies. They shoot and do everything we all do in real life. Now whan these actors campaign against guns and violence theres not one actor who never picked up a gun and used it in a movie. But they go right out and campaign against guns and violence. Thats why we can never have America go back what it used to be 70 years ago. Back during WWII they backed our troops. Now they campaign for no war. Back 70 years ago the supported trational family values. Now they stand for abortion and gay marriages. Back 70 years ago the FCC had strict rules for televison now its anything goes. Lke these scenes.

Now suppose back in the 1950s they had this on Dick Clarks American Banstand what you think the outcome would be from the FCC? Right ether an huge fine or youre off the air. Discuss!