"HI, Mrs. Bush! Can DUMBYA Come Out & Play?"

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
"We'll WAIT for him."

"How about prosecuting the people who did the sanctioning, then?” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow wondered. She asked constititutional law professor Jonathan Turley whether Obama’s statement that “this is a time for reflection, not retribution” means he’s “promising to not prosecute officials who sanctioned torture.”

“It’s very hard to say,” Turley replied. “But what is really disturbing is thathe’s equating the enforcement of federal laws, that he took an oath to enforce … with an act of retribution in some sort of hissy fit or blame game.”

“It’s not retribution to enforce criminal laws,” insisted Turley. “What it is is obstruction to prevent that enforcementand that is exactly what he’s done thus far. He’s trying to lay the groundwork to look principled when he’s doing an utterly unprincipled thing.”

“There arent any ‘convenient’ or inconvenient times to investigate war crimes,” Turley emphasized. “You don’t have a choice. … You have an obligation to do it.


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