Here we go again! Media bias between Wendy Davis & Ted Cruz


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Did Ted Cruz's talkathon expose liberal media bias?

After 21 hours and 19 minutes in which he covered everything from The Little Engine That Could to D.C. cocktail parties, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrapped up his marathon speech on the Senate floor against ObamaCare.
Cruz's theatrics drew plenty of sharp quips and terrible puns from journalists. To some observers, that seemed odd given the generally glowing reviews of Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis' (D) filibuster earlier this year to obstruct one of the nation's toughest abortion laws. The discrepancy, they said, was evidence of what conservatives, Fox News, and Sarah Palin have long claimed to be a pernicious fact of American media: Liberal bias.

Wendy Davis filibuster for abortion bill in Texas the main stream media was all over on it. But when Ted Cruz filibuster against Obama care the media looked the other way. That's why FOX is #1 in the ratings why people are tuning off MSNBC and CNN
Iranian media says CNN lied; Rouhani does NOT believe in Holocaust

CNN put words in the mouth of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani – mistranslating a quote to make it sound like he actually believes the Holocaust took place, according to state-run Iranian media.

I don't think any rational thinking people who have even the slightest idea of what's going on in this Country are watching, reading, or listening to any MSM outlets at this point.

The exception would folks like us who look at the headlines just to point out their lies and propaganda strictly for personal entertainment reasons.

Like many of the members on this forum, as soon as they start quoting or referencing MSM outlet, we all know immediately that this is a low information member who really doesn't have a clue what their talking about!
You see there was a news program on ABC TV called inside the Iron Curtain. " Life inside the Soviet Union" They showed the streets all over Moscow and Lenningrad. They showed us red square inside the Kremlin and showed us where Brezhnev lived. This was back in 1980 After the program they said ,, We cannot show you all of it cause the Government said certain places are forbidden to film. You know why they tell you that? So the Producers of ABC TV want you think the Soviet Union is bad and make us hate the Russians more! That's was a lie,,, Im Sure the Russians let you see their prisons and how the Kremlin works.
Will Democrats ever tell the Truth?
Will Democrats ever keep their promises?
Will Democrats ever allow a bible back in public school?
Will Democrats ever stop taxing you to death?