Here is how Muslims treat Jewish women , no wonder liberals here like them so much.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes indeed this is what the liberals here support . O they claim they do not of course but by supporting Gaza this is the outcome ,Do not fear they have vowed to do it again as have their fellow terrorist in Lebanon .
Israel has a choice stand up to all the terrorist in the middle east and Yemen and Iran or die .
which "liberals here" like them "so much". lol.
just more vague weasel words from our local right wing ***** lol
Liberals support Gaza and the peole of Gaza has been doing this you going to deny that lug nut ?

i wont deny it if you admit that republicans have been serial killers and molesters therefore republicans support serial killing and molesting!
obviously the point i am making is that blaming a large group for the actions of a small percentage is stupid, but, that's you lol

but of course liberals support women and children not being blown up in gaza, its interesting you think that's a bad thing.
but you are a hateful right wing *****, so i understand your position :)
i wont deny it if you admit that republicans have been serial killers and molesters therefore republicans support serial killing and molesting!
Sorry we do not support serial killers but clearly you support the people of Gaza which did all f this and much much more . You have supported them from the very start.
Sorry we do not support serial killers but clearly you support the people of Gaza which did all f this and much much more . You have supported them from the very start.

oh, you mean if a small number of people of one group do something bad, you can't blame the whole group?
god you are so stupid.